So my guess is
March: Duke (DSOD)
April: New Zexal character
May: Jim Crook
June: Primo
July: New Zexal character
August: Bakura (DSOD)
September: NEW WORLD
Oktober New Zexal character
November: NEW WORLD character
December: Surpreme King
Jim Crocodile Cook will be a roaming event where you can farm for maybe a couple Fossil Fusion monsters and Fossil Fusion.
Probably toss in Weathering Soldier and Gaia Plate too
They really should have made Valon's Armor deck in the card game already.
Kinda was the base for Meklords now that I think about it. Parts of a machine coming together to form one monster and all that
Jim's Fusion monsters are ripe for a box release. Whereas I suspect his Roaming Rewards would his main deck cards, like Weathering Soldier and Shell Knight.