So I am Stuck on Level 27 beacuse I have to fight Bastion 1 time on Duel World but I cannot since Bastion is not showing up on how to unlock him. He was a Previous Event. If I win 50 times with only 3 cards does that do the trick or is it a glitch?
Answer List
Bastion unlock missions appear after you win 50 times with 3 cards or less in your deck!
Duel at gate LV10, add cards like cup of ace, shard of greed, jar of greed, or good goblin housekeeping to run out of cards faster!
I find using a 20 cards spellbook/prophecy deck good for this mission as well.
You probably won with 3 cards or less already so this will not take a very long time.
Grind down to 3 cards, then win. 50 times, chances are you'll have done some already, doesn't take long.
In my case I just threw up some monsters and engaged in a staring contest whilst using some mill cards to get down faster against a level 10.