What is maximal different stucture deck can be purchased with gems?
What is maximal different stucture deck can be purchased with gems?
Hi guys, as you knew every structure deck can be purchased 1 limit only with gems. I'm just regular f2p player.
Right now, konami release latest dark paladin structure ex and cyber dragon ex.
I had been make purchasement on 5 different structure deck before. And i wanna to purchase latest deck konomi released. It seem button on latest structured deck with gem purchasement grey out. I checked old structure deck which i havent purchase yet had also occur same problem.
Regarding the question, i think there is some limitation for invidual player isnt it?
Im bit regretful to pick cheap wrong structure deck.
Answer List
You can buy each structure deck once with gems except for Spellbound Silence (you can't buy that at all with gems for some reason).
There is no upper limit. If you can't buy a structure decks with gems it is either Spellbound Silence or you've already bought it once.