

Im currently out of gems, i need a substitute for goka the pyre of malice in my Nephthys deck. Any suggestion?


Answer List

A bit too late to play Phoenix...
I've been using Hazy Flame Hyppogrif, from the same box.
Just don't use it this deck rip

Question List

Self damaging decks

I have noticed that some people are running self damaging decks. Does anyone know the purpose be...

Did my account ( yugioh duel links ) get banned?

Since 25 march 2018 i cant log in to yugioh duel link anymore, did my account get banned? Im from...

What should I buy with UR ticket ?

I’m a beginner (I’ve already crafted the F2P alien deck) and I don’t know what ...

What effect do trigger Elemental Hero Glow Neos on Crystal Beasts?

I just using Glow Neos' effect to destroy Jesse's Topaz Tiger on his S/T zone. The card...

Suggestion for newbie

Will sylvan deck last long in KOG ? Or fishing fly deck ?

Can you get demoted?

Is it possible to demote ranks by surrendering?

Unlocking seto kaiba

Guys i'm already at lv 15 and i want to unlock seto, but his unlock mission does not appear ...

Dark paladin vs Sky Sanctuary bug?

I had Dark Paladin, my opp had divine punishment set, then he activated Sanctuary Sky, I negate ...

Bug Report - Jar Of Avarice

Today I played 2 duels in ranked with Sylvans and lost, both by deck out. In both situations, I h...

Time limit loss

So I've heard of the ranked exploit where people can take their time to use a spell or trap ...


Comments (updated every hour)

Hitler wasn’t that bad. In fact, most people I have talked to recently agreed that he did m...
777-929-298 Just because you are a human, don't think you can win easily.
Shùt up and give us your money!
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