
Is there any reliable way to get gold?

I am at stage 33 right now and do not have any gold. I have been dueling and completing mission since yesterday but only got around 2K-3K. I need 30K for the trader


Answer List

If there is a card out of card trader that you need coins for and cant seem to get enough through dueling before the Card Trader's time runs out for current list, you will need to part with cards. Of course its long and tedious, but worth it. if you REALLY want that card you will sacrifice any rare card you aren't planning to use in the hear future. I personaly had a second copy of Riryoku come up and sacrificed both Ultras and supers to get it. Long story short it halped me reach rank King of Games. Question is which is more important to you? Later Player
No, I dont mean any card. I thought it's a common sense that you don't need more than 3 copies of card so it will be stupid to write that. Guess I was wrong
you dont want to convert any fckin card??????? did you really mean any card???? and the reason is because you want to make a lot of decks? WTF, you only need atleast and maximum of 3 cards in total for each kind, never convert it if you have less than 3 cards, maybe I just misinterpreted your words, but I got pissed its taking too many consecutive win to get to KoG, so let me burst my rage toward your reply hahaha
Yeah so sad man, I joined the game in the middle of pegasus event so only finished with 1,6 mil. I don't want to convert any card because I intend to use a lot of decks. I regret wasted the money on the card trader before, didn't know that's a rare resource
Unfortunately, gold is hard to come by outside of the Pegasus event, as well as stage reward missions. Duel rewards trickle gold, and occasionally the daily deck challenge rewards 5000 gold. The most efficient (but expensive) way is to buy packs and convert SR/UR cards, conversely you can convert your unused cards for gold as well.

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Why would you give it to d d and not the chazz
DUNE NECTAR WEB EXPERT We scam you good Give us your money
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