

Currently am getting stomped in pvp and pve. At Stage 37 not sure at this point if I can get any good card since the only good deck that I have is an auto deck. Is there anyway for a f2p to advance enough?


Answer List

Aroma(If you want fun deck, 2nd cheapest), Lunalight(OTK), Red Eyes(cheapest, decent farm card.), DM(most expensive, but the cheapest Tier deck), Shiranui(budget version), and many more. If you want the long game then just go with DM, it's the easiest to get to King of Games in PvP, you just need to farm gems to get it around 30000+ minimum if you didn't already have its core cards. For decks info, you can just go to duel links meta.
Yubel is free, there's been what, 3 Yubel events now? Nephtys and Yubel is good. I bought with gems and got a Cerulean early on in the box. It's a great F2P deck.
i dropped 60$ and spent 3k gems on the so called "f2p" alien deck ya didnt happen i have bad luck...
Lol f2p can get anywhere. Spend your gems wisely. Have a deck in mind and build it no matter how long it takes. Also get cards that are currently reigning. Farm a lot. Play all events. Rank up characters and get gems and cards. Use your tickets wisely. And BUILD A SMART DECK. I got to KOG with the Phoenix deck this season. That's the only deck I have that can get me there
*Wild Tornado*, not Dust
From my post below, you can also get super rushes as well, can obtain plenty of econs from the ranked duels rewards. The only other pack that is essential for a Pheonix deck would be the one with Dust Tornado. My deck that made it to legend didn't even use Heavy Knight or that pyre of malice card. Destruct potion is also another solid option. Hope this helps!
Yes, but you need to have a niche deck and pack. I can guarantee that if you use a Pheonix deck you can get as high as Legend with it (I went from gold to Legend 2 with Phoenix only run). It's a minibox, so it's way easier to get 3 copies of Pheonix, and Heavy Knight is also a solid meta buster.
A F2P is enough to get to Plat consistently. But maybe I can do it because their was a huge gem giveaway when I began.
I never paid to play this game, I reached in King of Duels 3 times .. You have to decide what pack invest, or you never make a good deck.
It is absolutely pay to win if you do have have good luck. If you do not have sphere kurribo or mirror wall you CAN NOT make a competitive deck. So yeah, if you dont have ridiculous luck in getting those 2 UR cards in 200 pack sets, you are fucked. You can make some semi competitive decks, but they will alway sbe outsted by kuribo and wall. Exploitative as hell sure, but its a mobile game, you go in assuming its going to be exploitative.

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Why would you give it to d d and not the chazz
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