
What are the rank tiers?


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-currently legend-
a really great deck to grind ranked right now is the fur hire deck. its super easy to put together ans only one component is a SR.
user: Hey Im Tryin
Go to the pvp, click on ranked duels and click on details/reward it will show you each layer of each rank. But if you're lazy and don't want to do that here is the highest layer of each rank:
R = 3
B = 5
S = 5
G = 5
P = 5
L = 3
KOG = 1 (You're at the top)
after platinum there are legend tiers
If you have been playing for some time, you must have enough gems to open packs. So just focus on the pack from which you want to make your deck (watch featured duels to see which decks are more effectives) and keep opening it. It can take you a while, but playing a bit some days, clearing missions and logging in to take presents that usually the game gives, you can build perfectly a competitive deck.
i'm silver, i dont wana rank up... im just here for the damn gold ticket monthly... what should i do. win some, loose some? or that would still rank me up? just don't wana be Icarus, you know.
Im platinum 1
they added another fricking layer? damn.
Kill me pls
Novice » Bronze » Silver » Gold » Platinum » Legend » King of Games
They added a new rank so does that come after Gold?

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