
All items reseted to 0

All my items like gems, gold,keys,... got reseted to 0... wtf is this normal? only my level and cards were not reseted


Answer List

Reseted isn't a word, it's reset.
mine too. i emailed them already. hoping to get them back.
it's in the in-game announcements.

Question List

Which UR card should I convert for the card trader ?

It's always a hard choice for me to choose: I've already converted 1 red-eye drake, 1 D...

what is ranking system in pvp for?

what is ranking system in pvp for?, do i get something when i rank and stay on that rank ??

Pegasus Event

Does the Pegasus event started again for you ? I'm waiting and I hope I'm not missing it

lost an account :(

i lost my stage 34 account, what should i do?

Kaiba unlock difficulty

One of the quests for his unlock is to use one spell card five times in one duel. How? Thoughts?

Can I check the number of traps used ?

I'd like to know if there's a way to check the number of traps I used 'till now in...

Big Shield Gardna ??

Should we get from card trader before rotation the 100,000 gold doesnt bother me its the 3 uktra ...

Why can't I use my Blue Eyes White Dragon or any 5 star and above card?

I have 5 star cards and of those are Dark Magician, Blue and Red Eyes dragons as well


Comments (updated every hour)

Right Way Law Recovery Firm We use telegram, so you already know that we’re scammers
I can't wait for the 5Ds legendary duelist Jesse Wheeler
Great with Power of the Guardians to hopefully keep this card alive on the field.
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