
Elemental Heros Deck?

Having Trouble Making A Elemental Hero Deck. I Need Some Advices


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Using Elemnetal Hero's may cause some problems for most players because of the lack of ATK on monsters and having not enough "fire power" to win the duel. When in fact this deck can be extremely well. Elemental Hero Flamewing Man and Thunder Giant should be the main Hero monsters you may want to focus on getting out on your field as quickly as possible enabling Elemental Hero Flame Wingman or Thunder Giant to destroy your opponents monster(Flame Wingman when destroying your opponents monster you deal the damage of that monsters ATK points). This should go well with raising your Wingmans ATK points to destroy maybe a Red Eyes or Blue Eyes(Rising Energy, Fusion Weapon) for a OTK possibly, but you would also need a reassuring trap, spell, or monster to destroy your opponents back row because of Mirror Wall(Wild T is a possiblites as well as Storm) Greta combo. Thunder Giant would possibly need a rising E or F Weapon enabling his ATK to be pretty much insanely high and by discarding one card from your hand you can destroy a monster with less attack than your Thunder Giants ATK to destroy Blue Eyes or Red Eyes or any sort of other monster, who is really going to have a monster with a higher attack than 3900? Try and get past that! Although this deck is insanely fun and going back to the card ygame makes my child hood that much more. This Elemental Hero deck can be one of the most insanely comboed deck. Especially the thoughts I have for it. Clayman and Sparkman are the best to have fo this deck. Plus hopefully, they'll add their combo cards next month, or even soon.
I think the two new structured decks is a good place to start. Elemental hero heat + Hero bond + A forces + Sword of Dragon's soul +Blue flame swordsman for a warrior swarm deck.

If u want to go fusion I think u hv to play sparkman & clayman + blue summoner + other fusion support cards

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Sounds as legit as the shady @@@ dealer I see sometimes after nightfall in the park V
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