
Duke Devlin character suggestion

Duke Devlin has played a significant role in Yu-Gi-Oh! throughout the series. He may not have started from the beginning with Tea, Tristan, Joey and Bakura, but he did stick to them all throughout and he for sure dueled a lot more than Mokuba, AND has used more cards than him.

I see the likebility of Mokuba because of Kaiba and when you compare... yes Mokuba is more knowing, BUT you can easily make an event out of Duke Devlin using a dungeon dice monster theme. Unlike Mokuba, where it's just a made up event with not much reference. AND... you can find a way to link Duke with Pegasus, and then later on with Noah. As far as a deck... you can put in more coin/dice cards into Dukes deck that can be used with Joey's Grit ability.

So come on and put dice boy in here!
(Picture is a sample deck found online, but you can imagine he has a tone of more cards that can be used)


Answer List

Yeah put duke in the game pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaase.
Como obtener a duke devlin?
It would be cool to see the summon animation for Orgarth the relentless
there will be high chance duke will release bcos Orgoth the Relentless will come to TCG/OCG in collector pack 2018. Mayb he will play gradius & dice deck
Nah add dungeon dice monsters event along with him
Yeah i want duke devlin
I like to see Duke Devlin in the future unlockable, but what will be his Ace Monster? Orgoth the Relentless? That card is anime only and not a TCG/OCG yet.
I prefer dice over coins anyway
Duke was always my favorite, and I actually would love to have a Dice Monsters mini game in Duel Links. That'd be so much fun!
Just saying there's a low chance that Duke would be added I don't think he was found in the game files and since GX was added they probably would add more events for that. But they might ( and they probably won't add filler : Half of season 3 and season 4)

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Priest seto dule links
Never change, Brandon. Never change. You are the most weird bot here. I appreciate your existence
Did you fall for a crypto scam and are looking for a way to cope with? Look no further! I have th...
Sounds as legit as the shady @@@ dealer I see sometimes after nightfall in the park V
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