So I've been playing duel links for a few years now, and recently have encountered an issue that I can't seem to find an answer to. Lately whenever I try to summon berry magician girl on my first turn, for some unknown reason her summoning effect won't trigger, and this is the case with any effect monster that I summon on my first turn. Did some rule change? I'm running a DM/Magician girl deck and my abilities are not working when I want them to... someone please help I've been scouring the internet for an answer and I can't find one.
Answer List
I think the game glitches. I literally just had a trap not work and is why I’m in this thread. I had the trap Guard Mines set, if you don’t know, guard mines is a trap that blocks your opponents card effect that would destroy your monster, negate the effect - destroy the card - inflict 500LP damage to your opponent. I summoned BLS, in response my opponent activated a trap that destroyed BLS. My trap never activated, leaving my LP unguarded and I lost the duel. I read their trap, and it was basic, only stating to destroy a summoned monster. No information that would counter act my trap or stop it from working. I think the game glitches from time to time. There’s been a few times where effects don’t work for me when they should have.
I tried several times to activate Blue-Eyes Abyss Dragons effect by spezial summoning it from the graveyard on my first turn. It didnt activate but only against online players. I tried a standard duellist and it worked
In my case, I've went up against players who used similar decks to mine and I couldn't use my monsters effect on my first turn but somehow they'll be using the same monsters and can use their effects right away.
I was testing out stardust warrior in a duel online and when it was my opponent turn and he special summon its effect wouldn’t activate.
I also experienced multiple glitches during normal duels where sometimes I can't even normally summon a normal monster to the field I've contacted Konami about this but they couldn't they looked into it but they couldn't find anything wrong translation he did nothing about it at least that's what I heard when they try to justify it.
Same goes for my Superheavy Samurai Deck, or trying to use Kiteroids effect in the 2 turn..
So I think it’s turn 1 & 2 cause I run a quick summon 6 samurai and I can’t use the special summons from card effect total bs.
Same goes my elemental hero absolute zero when used with form change and returned to my deck to summoned another e hero it's abilities does not actov8
Also lol it’s hilarious watching the assholes of the world CONFIDENTLY saying the absolute wrong advice
Ok so I’m not alone, makes me feel a little better because none of my zombie effects are working I thought Gozuki was busted or something but nope got samurai skull and had the same issue smh so am I supposed to start collecting for a whole new deck now? Or are they going to do something?