
Gravekeepers: deck recipe [July 27]

Daemon Blitzkrieg
GK still look like boring as hell decks, but at least they are expanding. ....sorta.
Yeah but with monarc is very fun
Are you kidding? GK is definitely not boring at all! The amount of shenanigans that you can do with Legion, Double Summon, Econ and so on is just insane. You're always wondering what move is the best in every turn due to the high possibilities the deck offer (when your initial hand don't brick)
You probably never used a GK deck, just give it a try
<< Anonymous(Piroca)
Lol, indeed. My opponent must always be furiously waiting for me to finish my never-ending turn when I got lucky to draw double summon, soul exchange/econ, chief, recruiter (on field), etc. in a turn. GK swarm can happen as early as your first few turns, so it's always versatile and aggressive! Red-eyes is MORE dangerous than GK though because it has more consistent swarm capability and..
<< Anonymous
..Beatdown Skill will almost always lose you in an ATK strength contest, where your oracle usually only peaks at 2200-2300 ATK (bc its 3rd effect is the one you mostly choose, or if the opponent is defensive, the 2nd one). Doesn't help that vanilla REBD has 2400 ATK as well. Lastly, altho there are few that uses divine judgment, what really steers me off is SRH. Its prevalence is becoming a 🔥
<< Anonymous
I totally agree man! Although I really love GK, its swarm conditions rely on at least 2 or 3 specific cards while with Red-Eyes you just need Red-Eyes Insight (which lets you SS a Red-Eyes on oponent draw AND thins your deck by 2 cards); there is no competition since Red-Eyes decks are fast as 🔥 compared to anything else. And yes, SRH is an extremely cheap card enabling a lot of no-brainer deck
<< Anonymous(Piroca)
Daemon Blitzkrieg
I absolutely have used GKs before and, even with the Monarch, they are incredibly linear & offer no real challenge to the person using them. That's why they are boring, leaving only an inevitability to when their remaining cards hit DL and everyone using the same decks. ...more than they already are, that is.
<< Anonymous(Daemon Blitzkrieg )
LINEAR & OFFER NO REAL CHALLENGE TO THE USER???? You gotta be kuribohing me! Almost 90% of the decks that is/was meta (Dinosaur, Daedalus, Harpies, Relinquished, Toon, REBD, Mako's Hammer Shark, the atrocity of the new Statue Control deck) requires absolutely no thinking at all, they pretty much go on autopilot. GK on the other hand doesn't. I strongly disagree with everything u said
<< Anonymous(Daemon Blitzkrieg )
The decklist, by the way, is pretty rigged right now and reinvent GK is atough task since every card seems key tp its funcionality; I'll give that
<< Anonymous(P)
Daemon Blitzkrieg
Then there's the problem: You care far too much about the Meta. Me, I just look at the deck for what it is. GK has always been on the linear side, offering little flexibility. (aka, you just go for the same monsters, always. Just like those other Meta decks btw)
And, in case it wasn't obv by now, I don't care much for Meta decks (GK is included)
Gk is the most deck that makes you think, you have so many variations of plays every turn.
And actually what counter the REBD and make it garbage are gravekeepers, but the origional one with necrovally and spy..etc.
Just imagine necrovally is playable in the game, red eyeses would be peace of 🔥
<< Anonymous(Daemon Blitzkrieg)
Gk go for the same monster but it has many way to play it (combination) for the same card in hand, some deck as Vanilla O2C you can trade in/out any vanilla card but it's the same play. What do you mean for linear is base on your point of view if you can look them only in one dimension. You may be bored with 'the card' but boring play style or not is depending on yourself for GK.
<< Anonymous
Daemon Blitzkrieg
All "Meta" decks have become this way, everything has become, or is becoming, a bunch of sheep following the same recipe at all times with 0 actual innovation or brain depth in sight. Sure some decks *can* beat out GK (who cares tho), but, as I stated before, it will just get worse w/ their Field Spell, likely making them the dominate "Meta" deck.
Meta = Linear & Boring, oh yes, its very true.
<< Anonymous(Daemon Blitzkrieg)
This is just how card games are played... They are linear, yugioh is no exception. Your comments have nothing to really contribute to this topic of GKs and Meta and just seem overall unnecessary and pessimistic. Just let people enjoy the game, linear or not. In all my years playing yugioh, there has never been a deck that was linear if played enough times. Decks become linear after practice.
<< Anonymous
Daemon Blitzkrieg
...if that's the direction you wanna take this, fine w/e. Not like I get anything from this pointless convo. Know that your comment contributes nothing either from what I'm reading.
<< Anonymous(Daemon Blitzkrieg )
Player J
Daemon Blitzkrieg original comment was an opinion.
Daemon Blitzkrieg was merely expressing his feelings.

I personally have a different point of view.
I disagree with Daemon Blitzkrieg.
I think the GK's are very fun.

I have read the comments which have been said from Daemon Blitzkrieg + other people.

<< Anonymous(Player J)
Player J
The truth is GK's are very versatile.
Daemon Blitzkrieg believes GK are linear.
The truth is GK's can be Linear if you want them to be.

Daemon Blitzkrieg showed a play which he claims makes GK's linear.

Recruiter/Priestess 1st turn > OP Spell > Chief > summon back tribute etc.

I believe the play above shows how GK's are not Linear.

<< Anonymous(Player J)
Player J
The example which Daemon Blitzkrieg is using has 3 GraveKeeper's.


This is how he shows the Grave Keepers to be linear.

Now my question is who is forcing you to use Recruiter, Priest, & Chief?

You are using them willingly because you want them to do your linear play.


<< Anonymous(Player J)
Player J
What if I forbid you from using those 3 monsters.

What if you can only use:

-GK Cannon
-GK Spear
-GK Curse

I want a Grave Keeper King of Games deck with:
-No Chief
-No Priest

You can only use the following monsters:
-GK Cannon holder
-GK Spear Soldier
-GK Curse

You can't even do the linear play any more!
Do you see how awesome that is!

<< Anonymous(Player J)
Player J
Again I just want to point out that I can't forbid anyone!

I only said that to get my point across.

My point is if you go searching for a deck to be Linear. You will find it on every single deck you can possibility thing off.

You will find what you are searching for!

I was searching to show you it isn't linear.

I showed you how I can make a different GK deck completely.
<< Anonymous(Player J)
Daemon Blitzkrieg
Hmmm...well, at the very least I can respect you for trying PJ, but my initial answer to using only Cannon/Spear/Curse(and there's only 1) w/out Necro is: Best of Luck2U.

Anyway, I do know HOW to make versatile decks, but all you see being shared are boring Meta or complete bs, very little inspiration anywhere. That's what I was getting at.
<< Anonymous(Player J)
Daemon Blitzkrieg
I'd actually LOVE to see a functional deck using only those monsters. Major props to whoever makes a deck like so. Until then, I'm still missing some cards to even give a DL GK deck a true go. More into Dragons & Zombies anyway...which no does not auto make me hate GK, just how they are currently played.
<< Anonymous
Daemon Blitzkrieg
Um, Mr I have to be 2Edge Anon, it's just an Auto-Duel deck for standard duels using the GKs that are currently in possession for Ishizu. Nothing more, nothing less to it than that. Still somehow kicked around some Friendly Duelists with it so I have no complaints in not having all the right cards yet. *shrugs*
<< Anonymous(Daemon Blitzkrieg)
Dafuq? GK is famous for it's versatility since it's capable of doing a lot of different combos (which is also the reason why it's notoriously difficult to use). Calling GK linear is like calling the earth flat.
<< Anonymous(Daemon Blitzkrieg)
Damn nevermind... You are using a GK deck without any Soul Exchange, Econ or Chief. No wonder you think GK is not flexible.
<< Anonymous
u tryin to tell me that the earth is round?
<< Anonymous
Daemon Blitzkrieg
*hears the same dumb and already explained arguments*
*keeps on walking*
Btw, "EARTH IS FLAT" is a bad analogy. Yep.~
<< Anonymous(Daemon Blitzkrieg)
actually the earth is round
<< Anonymous
Daemon Blitzkrieg
Very common knowledge Anon. Never said, nor implied it wasn't. But that does not mean GK is automatically "flexible" in return. Ergo, why it is an epically bad analogy.
<< Anonymous(Daemon Blitzkrieg)
is it common knowledge or am i just a genius?


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You can’t activate it because you have already lost the duel at this point V
966-641-197 p-p-please go easy on m-me bcause I can't play l-like a man.
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