
Amazoness: deck recipe [Aug 8]

Zane lover
Guys, Imagine that i play Amazoness Queen instead of Fighter(i'm trying to get it)... is the deck good? (I want King Of Games/Legend player to answer me)
<< Anonymous(Valencia)
Nice duel.
Interesting amazoness + cyberstyle combination.
Maybe I should try that.
I want to use him in ranked.
<< Anonymous(YamiRyou)
Thanks. I usually use Balance with Amazoness, but I just don't see how I can make it work with 6 monsters. So I had to get creative. Sometimes it can work really well against the fur hires and other good decks, though.
<< Anonymous(Valencia)
That is pretty 🔥ous when u use un-nerfed balance. They did the right thing of nerfing it. It's unfair when u always got princess or onslaught with Mon on first hand.
<< Anonymous(Valencia)
I mean even without un-nerfed balance, Amazon still dominates most match-up in current meta.
<< Anonymous
I imagine that some people were put off with having to duel Balance using Aster with 3 onslaughts and his snotty lines that got activated twice as much thanks to the skill and continuous traps. But I think it was way cooler than Endless Trap Hell and bugs Odion and Weevil using this all of the time.
<< Anonymous(Valencia )
Restart (pre-nerf) was the most used skill in any deck over balance imo.
<< Anonymous
It was used more. People still use Restart with spellbook decks because it doesn't matter if they lose a turn when they can just get everything out of their deck anyways. But Balance worked better for me with Amazoness because I always got either the princess or onslaught (or both) in my starting hand. Restart would sometimes give me a worse hand or even the exact same cards.
<< Anonymous(Valencia)
I ran Restart as well. Balance was OK but it felt more consistent with Restart to me. I hated the times when it gave me the same hand or worse, but it wasn't very frequent. I wish we had better Skills available to run with Amazoness.
<< Anonymous(Saladfingers)
For Balance, it's effectiveness also depended on how types of cards were in your deck. Back then, I ran 10 monsters, 9 traps, 1 spell. With 3 onslaught among more overall traps than spells, I think that might have made it easier to get. The skills are tricky now. I don't want Odion, Weevil, or Tea. So I'm stuck with using things like lp boost A, cyber style, and even draw sense earth.
<< Anonymous(Valencia)
*how many types of cards were in your deck
<< Anonymous(Valencia)
I tried 10M : 5S : 5T, and also a 10M : 10T ratio, but I ultimately ended up running 10 Monsters, 4 Spells, 6 Traps before I switched to Restart. The Lineup wasn't all that great though, so that was also a setback.
<< Anonymous(OldtimerOCG)
What good is the Paladin?
Now that Baby Tiger is pretty much banned from the deck, the best duo to run is Tiger and Sage.


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