Because it was situationally useful in a single episode of GX where all of Jayden's male heroes were brainwashed by an Allure Queen to swap sides, and he just so happened to have Burstinatrix out on the field AND top decks this card. And now Konami want you to be able to relive this glorious -1/2/3 card combo
In theory, you could use it with Creature Seizure. Obviously not worth it (especially since Burstinatrix isn't worth using in the first place), but you could at least do something with it.
It was basically a card invented for plot convenience, like so many cards from the GX era.
Just like how every character starts off with a combo in hand, and top decks pot of greed after any expensive trash card combos, because otherwise their crappy decks wouldn't work at all, even when all their cards are being plot manipulated to get drawn in situationally convenient combo sequences.