Why are they releasing polymerization with this deck? First you get it from Joey as a level up reward (so everyone is guaranteed one) then they sold it as a card from card trader (and soon probably be able to buy it again at card trader) and then it was also in another structure deck and now this one. You can only use 3 in any deck and so now people buying this structure deck (not me cause it would be a waste of gems) are gonna waste more gems on a duplicate card.
Already had Poly's from both lv rewards and Jaden's structure deck, yet I didn't think twice before spending my Google Play credit on this deck.
It includes two fusion monsters after all. Newcomers who started playing recently might find it interesting (even more than old players like us, I might say). How are they supposed to summon these two monsters having no poly's or only one copy?
New players may not got polymerization; Card trader stopped selling this card, and new players may not aware or buy another structure especially they have no gems at the very begining. Final reason is this structure desk contains new fusion monsters.
You know, this is probably why it's the alternate art Polymerization. They know people already have Polymerization, so it's at least a little unique. ;p Also, realistically, it's meant to be somewhat functional on its own, which necessitates Polymerization.