This website should remove their "Best decks" section. It is ruining ranked duels because everyone is lazy and using the same decks because of it! There is zero creativity and the upper tiers of ranked are incredibly boring.
I understand you are disappointed but this is the case in most card games. Best decks are used by a lot of people because they are the best to win and climb the ladder that's all ^^
I strongly feel it's not the "nature of the game". 100% guaranteed that if they took down their 'best decks' there would be a larger degree of variation in the decks that people use.
I disagree completely. If not this site, another site. If not another site, people would copy what they lose to. It is human nature to want to have a competitive edge. What you want is no different. You want to be able to more easily compete in the upper tiers of competitive play.
Thats more or less what you can expect with ranked, because the whole point of this format is to win. My only problem with the newpack is the poor mans EC, I feel like this is going to make casuals a bit mire stale
The scrubs who say copying the best decks is normal and happens in the TCG, that's complete BS. There's a limited amount of cards here and everyone is connected online since it's a cell phone game. So people can spread ideas to the Sheeps much easier and farther