They tried to do it before remember what happened? I think they were called themed duels.
People would just run the very minimum of the mandatory cards and the rest filled with their meta garbage, I think at that time subterror was the big thing
Anyways since meta had search and stuff they bricked less and we're far faster than the decks people was supposed to use even with the bonuses
They need to do prebuild decks for every character for the event, like 2 - 3 types of deck for each one. Something like that. I don't say its a perfect idea, but better than the current one. Sadly they are so lazy with the events. Nothing fun or original. I only like the new char unlock events, atleast we got someting new and cool like Antinomy, but the other ones are usually meh. Very sad really.
I'd protest immediately, why should I be forbidden of using decks I bought with real money, I have fun using my meta decks and winning in pvp. I, as a spender, demand to be entertained.
Ranked doesn't have the speed counter mechanic.
I'd say the same, you think this event is garbage and that it should change so: "we don't need or care for a player that doesn't like a ranked reskin".
People say that TCG is cance rous but you won't find turn 2 OTK in competitive tournament unless you are facing an extremely noob kid in the first round.
did I say best way to go?
It is only last resort you can use.
Of course it is more fun to use 5D thematic deck,...and still win.
Unlike ranked duels, you won't get demoted no matter how many times you lose.
You can reach Master 1 with any deck you want.
Yeah, how dare people want to play video games to have fun, not to be frustrated. Anyway thankfully you can only rank down in muscle stars, not the actual event rank.