oh yea? let me tell u how broken life cost zero is. i go first place monster and back row and end my turn. now then zero cost turn he/she use cc or trunade they active spell that damage themself until 1000 or less then they play cyber stein and LIFE COST zero and summon GATLING DRAGON and wallaw you are 🔥ed my boy.
Same to all the high tier decks. Wiping your monsters and backrows then beating you put with phoenix, attacking directly for 3 times, banish your back row and finish you off with 3000 atk beaters... How many cyber Stein you meet in PvP anyway compared to these?
I know you wan konami to limit them too next. You whiner ;)
"Why nerf Life Cost 0? Only because of Cyber-Stein OTK? Come on, not a deck that is used too much or way too op. " --> Yes, but this is one of the most annoying deck ever.
Why SHOULDN'T Life Cost 0 have been nerfed? That's how it should have worked in the first place. I feel like most things that would use it would only do so once, anyway, beyond just being able to hold onto Cosmic Cyclones or something. Destructotron's the only card other than Stein I can think of that would care.
That’s some messed up stuff. Watch your mouth, son. Don’t talk about other people’s parents like that. I’ve seen men die for much less than that. Be careful...