
Blue-Eyes: deck recipe [Mar 8]

There's more blue eyes haters in this page than actual blue eyes players
I bet most of them are pathetic f2p losers
<< Anonymous
Definitely they are lol
<< Anonymous
BE are all f2p that's right. Who the he11 will spend actual money on BE deck?
<< Anonymous
Marvel-Disney fan would
P2W blue eyes? Do you mean the one that use 3x cosmo brain? Who use it nowdays? You?
Many players including f2p actually play todays BE.
<< Anonymous
Komoney: Time to nerf this f2p deck again.
<< Anonymous
Good, we need this deck nerfed further anyway
<< Anonymous
Put Maiden, Sage, and White Stone of Ancients on Limited 2

Put Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon, Cards of Consonance, and Bingo Machine Go on Limited 3
<< Anonymous
or instead of Bingo Machine Go that only a few builds use, a better choice would be generic cards like Lightning Vortex, Raigeki Break, and Karma Cut that all BE deck builds use.
<< Anonymous
"Put Maiden, Sage, and White Stone of Ancients on Limited 2

Put Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon, Cards of Consonance, and Bingo Machine Go on Limited 3"

Why explain further. You could have just said "K i ll the deck"
<< Anonymous
Don't forget to limit kaibaman and kidmodo too
<< Anonymous
Not kidmodo you fcker! That was my secret strategy!
<< Anonymous
No more hater after consonance & ancient stone both at limit 3 in the next banlist.
<< Anonymous
People said the same months ago and I still don't see any important limit on BE
<< Anonymous
They are already losing to post meta Shiranui.

BE is already an old beaten dog and you are still trying to kick that dog.
<< Anonymous
No need to pretend, BE will dodge the banlist again

Be at ease
<< Anonymous
Don't be quick to assume BE won't get hit.

Even if the deck doesn't get hit (or barely scratched), it won't be that way forever.
<< Anonymous(MangakaJ96)
*(or if the deck gets barely scratched again)
<< Anonymous(MangakaJ96)
It's time for blue eyes to drop from tier 4 to tier 20.

Let's go!
I'm happy that Konami forces BE players to buy new cards just like they made me lose money on the Invoker banlist.

Share my suffering!
<< Anonymous
ban consonance
<< Anonymous
BE will not drop any tier even if they can't play 3 Consonance. Just replace the deck with some cards will do.
<< Anonymous
You brought that suffering upon yourself for being an i diot spending on cards that has high chance of being banned. It is your fault no one elses. Hope you learn your lesson by cutting your wrist and starting your life over.
<< Anonymous
Are these troll commments? Bewd hardly win any duel today. Resonators, harpies, td, onomats eat bewd for breakfast. But, yes, for those who play in low ranks a 3000 vanilla is unbeatable..
<< Anonymous
People will keep calling for a BE nerf until they are gone from top 3 most used monsters. Yes, please no more 3 copies of consonance after this.
<< Anonymous
Yes, Cards of Consonance ban please.
<< Anonymous
Marvel-Disney fan
These are very intelligent comments.
Blue-Eyes needs to be banned because too much lowly F2Ps keep using those cards that they already own instead of buying cards they don't own.

Ban those cards already Konami!
Make those Lowly F2Ps spend the money they have been saving for 3 months!
<< Anonymous(Marvel-Disney fan)
Jokes on you, I'll keep saving and having fun playing the game for free because I'm not playing BE or even doing PVP
<< Anonymous
Yes, I don't care what. People are abusing Consonance everywhere. Please limit both Consonance & Ancient Stone to 3. So that people can only run 1 Consonance + 2 Stones.
<< Anonymous
2 stone + 1 Consonance?

The joke is on you. I own 3 Consonance + 3 stone, and yet I have been mostly playing BE with 3 stone and no Consonance.
<< Anonymous
Keep dreaming bud


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The same can be said about Muhammad | v
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