Just waiting for Konami to straight-up delete Restart and Balance from the game. They've nerfed those two abilities so many times over the years that it probably won't be long until both skills are completely unusable. Even then, they'll probably find some reason to nerf them further. Not saying this due to preference for any deck. I just think it's silly how often these two generic skills keep getting nerfed.
No, it wasn't. If Konami had half a brain, they would be finding better solutions instead of outright killing skills like this and WGITG. They could have just locked NK out of it and given a 20 card limit. And weren't you also talking about an "archetypal restriction" for HHG? Dear god, it's the fault of players like you why I'm stuck facing "Heart of the cards, guide me!" almost every F-ing duel.
No sorry, "skill" should not even exist in the first place. Komoney is correct to just remove em all. True skill only exist in TCG, there is no such thing as Destiny Draw or Balance. They are nothing but cheating.
Anon, that's one thing that makes Duel Links different from the TCG/OCG. Also, it's not cheating if the game allows it to happen...although also doesn't change the fact there are some skills that are broken tho.
I'm not blaming a skill. I'm just sick of seeing the same character over and over again because now there's almost nothing "good" left except destiny draw, so more people just use that because they are sheep using characters just because of the skills. I offered solutions to compromise Balance, but you guys are all just a bunch of babies who want Konami to make everything easy for you instead.
"it's the fault of players like you why I'm stuck facing 'Heart of the cards, guide me!' almost every F-ing duel." isn't blaming Destiny Draw?
You do have a point tho. Destiny Draw does fix hands too. Some other guy in a different thread suggested an archetype restriction like with the recent One Card Wonder nerf.
I have lost 9 out of 10 duels just because I believe in heart of the cards. Destiny Draw is still the best skill in this game after years. I trust my own pick more than anything else.
The survey is garbage. I have requested d draw to be remove 20 times. So far those fcks refuse to listen to me. Useless company with its player base. No wonder they're owned by Konami bunch of slaves.
Ok, I'm sorry. I'm just angry today because I have no good skill for Aster with harpies, so I'm using "Skill Not Set". And for Destiny Draw, I only hate the boxer veil and think they should fix it so that it's about where your lp is, not how much you have LOST.
I never use it at all. And if they don't want to give a bigger activation cost for D Draw, that's fine and I get it. But the boxer abuse technicality should not be rocket science for them to fix. Enough is enough.