
Duel Links Leaked & News [Mar 17]

Hell Kaiser Fan
Where is this boy? KONAMI PLS
<< Anonymous(Arya)
Mikasa sama
Okay good luck.
<< Anonymous(Mikasa sama)
Well...maybe I might still try. But it probably won't happen. (Now watch the dumb "moderators" auto-delete this conversation with the image instead of all that 🔥 porn just because this jumped to the top of the page.)
<< Anonymous(Arya)
Mikasa sama
Sounds good. Wish to you all the luck... Lol yeah. I can't explain my feeling.. (nauseous)
Aghhh... who cares, thank god I'm (I guess you're too) not stupid to watch something like that. I remember that so many times when our comments hit 100 or about to hit, someone suddenly posts a stupid porn with an animal, and then mods delete our comments. (sometimes even leave that guy's photo lol) Idk why.
<< Anonymous(Mikasa sama)
If there are too many pictures, the site will usually just automatically delete the first one at the top regardless of what it is just to make room for the file size capacity it can hold.
<< Anonymous(Mikasa sama)
BTW, ranked is awful so far. Almost all Six samurai or Weevil amazoness with cipher soldier and multiple lava golem. And STILL lots of players with 5 past KOG season icons next to their names. How they are not still not kog yet idk. I am just testing things out at this pount.
<< Anonymous(Arya)
Mikasa sama
Oh, I did not know this. Wow, tomorrow is the last day what is the problem with them. You cannot hit KOG this season. Low chances... well, it does not matter though.
<< Anonymous(Mikasa sama)
Yeah, exactly. Legend is still good for deck testing, though. Casual duel is too many people purposely killing or disconnecting themselves.
<< Anonymous(Arya)
Mikasa sama
Yup, like how it used to be. (Causal duel)
<< Anonymous(Mikasa sama)
I did a few more duels today just to get the UR ticket. If you see them on the replays, they are my best yet. But it feels like they took a year off my life with what I had to go through just to win.
<< Anonymous(Arya)
Mikasa sama
I'll watch them as soon as I open the game. How many replays are there?
<< Anonymous(Mikasa sama)
5. Mostly Six Samurai.
<< Anonymous(Arya)
Mikasa sama
Nice, I saw them all. Neos with six sams, Neos, and 3 six sams.
<< Anonymous(Mikasa sama)
Thanks. Seems like you can just throw Neos into a lot of stuff. But that Jaden duel made me laugh so hard. Yeah, Jaden. Bring all your aliens. You still can't beat the Aster deck. lol But what is annoying is shi en. Lost count of how much he showed up.
<< Anonymous(Mikasa sama)
Oh, yeah. And there was AG. Same old thing. Zzz Can't wait for the box. And I finally got ehero grandmerge from the event, the only card I wanted from it.
<< Anonymous(Arya)
Mikasa sama
Yup, there is an Ancient Gear replay. Its suppose to come today right?
<< Anonymous(Mikasa sama)
The box is supposed to come later today ftom what I heard.
<< Anonymous(Arya)
<< Anonymous(Arya)
Mikasa sama
Well... it did not come yet. I might buy it because I do not have any deck, except of destiny heroes.
<< Anonymous(Arya)
Mikasa sama
Oh, the box is out know. I saw it very good. Do you advice me to buy it?
<< Anonymous(Arya)
Mikasa sama
Can Steelswarms become meta?
<< Anonymous(Mikasa sama)
I don't know. I'm really only interested in darklords, counter fairies, or some new blue eyes and ehero builds. I already got the 3 UR and a couple other things. But I reset the box and am sort of waiting to see what happens here and on duel links meta with kog decks and the tier lists.
<< Anonymous(Arya)
Mikasa sama
Do you advice me to buy from this box? Darords, Hmmm... sounds good for a f2p. Can I hit legend with them?
<< Anonymous(Mikasa sama)
Mikasa sama
<< Anonymous(Mikasa sama)
Sorry for the late reply here. It should be able to hit legend. Maybe too soon to tell for any further right now. Last night I saw that duel links meta rated it as high potential but still in testing. Also seen some of the cards in most popular list for ranked duels. I will need to keep checking things to see if they go any further.
<< Anonymous(Arya)
Mikasa sama
Yeah, I keep checking ranked popular cards too. I'll try to build a Lava Golem deck to reach legend. But unfortunately for me, not this month. Cuz it's filled with exams... And maybe I'll buy from the next mini box so I have an awesome amount of gems, then I can decide what deck should I run.
<< Anonymous(Mikasa sama)
(update) Darklords is tier 2 on here. I dueled against it twice and lost once. They are pretty good. Lots of big monsters you can get out to 🔥 shi en. I'm gonna build the deck myself.
<< Anonymous(Arya)
Mikasa sama
Wow. Do they need cards like Cosmic or
Galaxy Cyclone?
<< Anonymous(Mikasa sama)
It could definitely help. Or if you have hey trunade.
<< Anonymous(Arya)
Mikasa sama
No. I'll try to put 2 Galaxy and one Cosmic Cyclone. If you build one, please tell me what you see, if it's good or not ok?
<< Anonymous(Mikasa sama)
I just need two more Ixchel before I can finish. It looks like beatdown is the skill to use here, so you can use Kaiba sama.


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