Blue eyes boss monsters more or less loses against most other boss monters. If those other boss monsters are level 7 or more then This card can win you the game.
The level 1 "eyes of blue" tuners must love this trap.
I did just that against a P2W Fortune Every player. The guy was banishing everything and I had no out since Every kept coming back. At the end my opponent had a big fat Every + 1 Samurai Destroyer and me nothing. Then I put my tuner in attack, set this trap. Next turn the whole field was sent back to deck and the guy had only 4 cards left in his deck, causing him to surrender.
Nearly agree with you.
Still hard to be put into practice I believe. But when it does work, it works very well. No target protection can protect from this, and the opponent has to satisfy the summoning conditions again to re-summon instead of just reviving from the gy.
Good suggestion.
I only have to find a way to SS those traps from the graveyard exactly when I want to. I don't think I have enough staple traps to make such a deck though.
If you have your level 1 tuner in attack position and your Spirit (anyone), and your opponent a >lvl6 boss monster:
First tribute Spirit to special summon from hand or extra deck.
Then chain A Major Upset, this trap will return his boss monster. Only after the trap effect will your Spirit summons something.
In a Blue-Eyes deck it worked wonderfully against cards that keep coming back like Fortune Lady Every and other hard to deal with Boss monsters.
Sadly there is less synergy with Blue Eyes Solid Dragon.
During your opponent's battle/end phase return 3 boss monsters back to the hand, then summon your Azure Eyes or BE. Your turn, direct attack
Thanks for the broken combo. Who needs Raigeki any more?