This card is in virtually every deck, maybe except Archfiends. It's just WAY too good. No cost and destroys two of any monsters? They should consider putting this on semi-limited list so it can't be run with 2 econs. That would somewhat curtail the abuse in those decks with mass spell cards and 1 TTH.
I don't see even why you can't run this in archfiends, as long as you're not running needlebug nest. Emperor can banish the archfiend traps from the grave so you only have to worry about RFTDD if you're running it.
Leaf, onslaught, and massivemorph are all N/R cards, no way they're going to limit or ban SR/UR from a box. They will lose a lot of spenders if they do that.
Destiny HERO - Celestial probably has more impact than semiing a box Super would. Still don't get peoples' logic on this. If a SR/UR breaks the game hard enough, Konami will hit it. It just has yet to happen. Barring maybe Anki, there hasn't been a point yet where hitting one would have been the right move.
They would never limit it because as already said, it’s a SR from a box. And even if they did, what would be the point? Most players who run this card only play 1 to begin with. That’s the bad thing about this card, it’s a top deck, if you get it first, you’re more likely to win. Sucks that there’s no CA anymore because you I remember people using this card would rage quit against Dakini/Saffira.