
Gravekeepers: deck recipe [July 27]

How can i improve this deck?
i don't have any enmy controller btw
Player J
Can you list the name of the cards in your deck?

The picture you took is way to small.
It is hard to see all the cards.
<< Anonymous(Player J)
better now?
<< Anonymous(Pantaloonex)
Replace Meikou with the 3rd Recruiter. I guess you only have 1 copy of your spell/trap? It wont be much consistent IMO..
<< Anonymous(Nubashet)
i do have two of rebirth and two of change soul and double summon..i have half shut btw.
<< Anonymous(Pantaloonex)
Player J
The picture is better now.
I would like to ask you a question.

The reason I want to ask you this question is to see how much explanation I need.

If you are experienced, Than you probably don't need tons of explanation.

If you have never used Grave-keepers before in you life, Than I will need more detail explanation.

My question is:
How familiar are you with Grave Keepers?
<< Anonymous(Player J)
i know how to use grave-keepers..i started to use this deck a week ago but i've wachted some videos.
<< Anonymous(Pantaloonex)
Player J
It looks & sounds as if you are newly starting to learn the ways of Grave Keepers.

I think it is wonderful.
It is very great to learn and play new decks.

The first thing to know about the deck is based on GK Recruiter.

GK Recruiter is the problem solver of the deck.

When you have a problem: GK Recruiter is the monster you turn to in order to solve all your problems.


<< Anonymous(Player J)
Player J
Lets say your opponent has a big boss monster on the field which you need to get rid off.

What do you do?
Ideally, You want to use GK Recruiter to bring GK Oracle to your hand.

GK Oracle is your big boss monster which can generally weaken & take down other boss monsters.

<< Anonymous(Player J)
Player J
Lets say you need a monster which can help you swarm the field to get rid of other monsters or to do a finishing hit.

What do you do?
You want to use GK Recruiter to bring GK Chief to your hand.

GK Chief is your Swarming Boss monster which can generally Special Summon other monsters from your grave back onto the field.

Allowing you to overwhelm the opponent.

<< Anonymous(Player J)
Player J
Lets say you need a monster which can set up a lock or increase your attack/defense.

What do you do?
You want to use GK Recruiter to bring GK Priest to your hand.

GK Priest is the monster which can increase your stats by 200.

In addition, GK Priest can set up a lock by establishing the field as Necro-valley.

<< Anonymous(Player J)
Player J
For these reasons:
People try to have 3 GK Recruiter to help increase there chances of drawing it.
<< Anonymous(Player J)
I'm so thankful for these tips..I got one more recruited.before it i couldn't reach platinum now I'm there and I got my first Emmy controller since kaiba doesn't drop it. Thanks! Thanks!
<< Anonymous(Pantaloonex)
Player J
What does the new deck build looks like now?

I can try to give you some more tips if you want.
<< Anonymous(Player J)
3 Gk Recruiter..2 GK Chief, 3 Priest, 2 kuriboh, 2 Oracle.
1 Etaqua, 1 Mirror Wall, 1 Security orb, Rebirth..
1 Double Summon + 2 Soul Exchange + Enemy Controller.
<< Anonymous(Player J)
i'm trying to get out of Platinum 3..but it's hard..but i will not give up about this deck..
i'm using power of darkness..may i change it?
<< Anonymous(Pantaloonex)
I would remove the rebirth and add in a 2nd double summon. Those tend to do well in GK DECKS. Thats all I can really recommend based on what you've stated you own
<< Anonymous(Pantaloonex)
Player J
Truthfully, I think having 3x Priestess with the Power of Dark field spell is the worse thing anyone can do.

The person who made this web page recommends to have 3x Priestess with the Power of Dark.

However, I think it is terrible advice.
I think it misleads players into following bad advice.

The Priestess Necro-valley effect can only be applied if there is no field spell.

<< Anonymous(Player J)
Player J
There can't be any field spell on either players side in order for Necro-Valley to work.

It makes no sense to tell people to use Power of Dark with 3x Priestess!

The only reason a person would run 3x Priestess is to make use of both effects!

Priestess is a trashy Grave-keeper.


<< Anonymous(Player J)
Player J
The only reason people even play Priestess is because of her Grave Keeper name + the field name effect.

If you are going to use 3x Priestess, Don't use Power of Dark.

Decks builds which run the 3x Priestess version try to set up a lock down or at least the good ones do.

The deck you are building isn't the lock down version of Grave-Keepers.

You are trying to be more speedy!
<< Anonymous(Player J)
Player J
You have to remember the Grave-keepers are very highly versatile deck.

You can build fast pace GK decks which try to summon fast or soul exchange your opponents monster.

However, You can build what I like to call the troll versions of GK's.

Some of those versions made people hate Grave-Keepers the same way they hate Tea Stand By Burn decks.

These types of decks try to lock down the game.
<< Anonymous(Player J)
Thank you..i improve my deck and i'm playing with Bandit now..i reached the KOG.


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You can’t activate it because you have already lost the duel at this point V
966-641-197 p-p-please go easy on m-me bcause I can't play l-like a man.
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