
Tag Duel Tournament [8 Jan - 18 Jan]

Here's a deck to farm tag duels in Master level. You can easily get 8000+ D.A against any opponent. Tried for about 30+ duels and only lost some due bul🔥s I did by myself :D 1. Play, as soon as possible, Temple of the Mind's Eye and Backup Squad. The opponents won't attack you. Also, this combo makes Kaiba less offensive, helping to hold the duel. If BS is not in your initial hand, use TOME, which can be get more easily, with Pathfinder's effect, to hold 2 attacks and use Destiny Draw to pick BS. Play 1x Solemn Wishes too, so you will start your LP increasing. 2. Hold the duel and draw until you get Ra, 1x Disciple or 1x CC, 1x Double Summon (2x in the finals against Yugis) and another TOME (not needed if Kaiba's Twister is set on the field). Also, make sure you have enough LP to make Ra's attack strong enough for a victory in a single attack. 3. Take out TOME from the field (by setting another TOME or using Twister), play DS, summon Disciple/CC with tokens, summon Ra and activate the effect of exchaning your LP by its ATK and DEF. attack with his large attack to win with LP on a Brink (3000 DA) and 5000+ damage (2000 to 3000 DA). Other bonus will make you reach 8000 DA, the max. conversible in coins. Ps. This deck works well agains Para and Dox master challeng too. Ps2. The Yamis (Marik and Bakura, in semi finals) are the hardest opponent to this deck due Marik's skill and Nightmare wheel. For them, I suggest to make a similar deck adding 1x Anti-Magic Arrow (to block NW) and cards to empty your graveyard (to keep your LP high). Hold the duel until Mariks effect make their LP low enough to be defeated by Ra's attack, even if it doesn't get much high (didn't try it)
just a correction: opponents won't attack you if BS is on the field, even if TOME is active or not, except if they have enough ATK power to OTK on you
What is the card list?
<< Anonymous(Rev)
×1 Winged Dragon of Ra
×3 Ra's Disciple
×3 Planet Pathfinder
×1 Cosmic Compass
×3 Double Summon
×3 Backup Squad
×3 Temple of Minds Eye
×3 Solemn Wishes
What is BS?
<< Anonymous
<< Anonymous
quick spell that special summon fairy?from card trader
hmmm 3 duel, with opening 3 double summon, 1 ra, the other 3 disciple, 1 cosmic, and killed instantly
This deck is actual 🔥, useless kaiba ruins with clone and d.d soon u lose with deck out after waiting for 37 turns, tgis deck made me hate the game and kaiba, just 🔥 pls
Okay dont 🔥 i just felt bad about it, lol its not like u re gonna do it but who knows, after aserious depression period, deck is good but not with kaiba :)
<< Anonymous
You mean 64
<< Anonymous
True ty for correction
<< Anonymous
I've been thinking about it. I just keep 3x double summon because I still not sure about how many times can the Yugi's team negate spell effects. It happened to me only onde. But in fact it may work with 2 only. Also, celestial transformation is a less cost card that Will work with disciples
<< Anonymous(vroeder)
I won't kms :D
Anyway, d.d Warrior is not a serious deal if you have TOME on the field. Clonning is a 🔥, that's true, but it's not that bad since he has only one and accordingly to duel you can use it. Note that it's "good" for you to take damage due destinou draw. A way to surpass clonning is changing a DS for a Papa Corn to destroy Monsters so they can summon others
<< Anonymous(vroeder)
And it is working really well to me with Kaiba's dumb AI because TOME + opponents with strong monsters make Kaiba set monsters instead of Summoning them. It's good since Kaiba looks like an all offensive AI (serious, in a previous deck he attacked a ser monsters with LABYRINTH WALL, yeah, that thing with 0 ATK)
how about 3x card breaker and 3x goblin circus instead of disciples and DS to speed up thinning?
can't deal with Amazoness Sage when Gearfried the Swordmaster is also there.
kaiba keeps setting a monster.
<< Anonymous(vroeder)
DD is threat when you have 4000 lp and dont have a solemn wishes, kaiba uses DD to attack higher atk monster and u got 3000 LP, and when u have 3000 lp and no monster on the fiels, AI just kills you, happened twice,
<< Anonymous(vroeder)
As for cloning, when kaiba sets it, there is no other space available since the other two is BS and SW, and if enemy is not normal summoning a monster, you cant use Double Summon, cant bring out godcars, and if u want to get at least 100-150 coin, gotta wait for 64+ turn so you have 3 card left, AI attacks you, draw 3 and deck out lose, happened twice as well,

Maybe i was just unlucky, thanks
<< Anonymous
card breaker and goblin circus seems to be great. I will try that later!
<< Anonymous
Indeed D.D has this factor, but remember that Kaiba also helps on this setting ECon and Negate Attack. The damage you took you can use to draw SW. As I said, this deck isn't 100% efficient. But I've been winning with 8000+ D.A in about 90% of my duels
I love your deck but lose or do equal because of Kaiba makes anything and plays like an idiot 15 minutes is pretty annoying ^^
Thank you for the deck!
While I had only ~70% or so WR, it was because of Kaiba(blocking third slot or doing setdraw to get my backrow killed vs. Mai) and lacking 2 summon/wishes/BS, it was good! Sad, that the backrow was only 3 slots...


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