
Why does the life point counter get imprinted into my phone screen?

On every phone I've played this game on, the LP counter gets burned into my screen, so I see LP:4000 constantly when I'm on a white background. Any way to fix this?


Answer List

There are anti burn videos to hopefully bring your screen back if the pixels aren't burnt that bad, however this and just using the device normally will work just as well to fixing it, but the screen might be burnt beyond fixing, sorry
This is a hardware issue, not a software issue.
Amoled screens all have burn in issues eventually.
Turn down your brightness, don't play while the phone is being charged.
I have the same issue on my OnePlus 3T. How can an app do this to a phone screen? The LP:4000 is permanently imprinted on my screen at all times.
I have the same issue. I believe the pixels are damaged and will permanently remain on the same colors showing the life counters in white, even when the duel links app is not open. Short of replacing your screen, there is no way to fix this that I am aware of.
When you say burned into screen, does it even apply when your phone is out(also total out, not just standby etc.)? When I'm not far off, then it has something to do with to strong energy emitting on a material/surface it doesn't stand against it. Old Oszillator(or whatever it was called) problem: You make the 'point' to focused on a very tiny spot, therefore burning onto it over time. Try to change energy settings etc. Else search help from an electronics engineer.

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