
Standard Duelist Drops?

I was just wondering if there is a better way to farm standard duelist for the packs because all i ever get are chests


Answer List

easy bro!! x3 reward, plus play dinosaur deck, infinity tyranno is main star.

add 1000 damage for each banish dinasour, 10 dinasour banish = 10 k damage

play spell, trap, xyz, tribute, special summon, destroy 10 monster, low lp, card on the brinks, 10 k damage = 8300 pts
What is a standard duel
I'm on stage 33 and have most of my duelists leveled up to at least 20 or over. I have yet to receive the one card I want for farming, let alone 3 of them. That card would abyssal designator.
Im on fucking stage 50 and never get a fucking mooyan curry! Wtf hahaha
u mean from all duelist right . level deck dueling its not important ?
It drops randomly, some people already at stage 35-40 and never get Mooya Curry (for cerberus decks) from SD, yet I'm at stage 20 and I already have 2 (the first one I got it from stage 17)

Question List

What is a Farming deck?

I see people talking about farming decks, what is it for and how is it used.

Do lv of standard duelist make difference in post duel rewards?

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Is obnoxious Celtic Guard useful in farms?

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It doesn't special summon 3 monsters from extra deck, but limits special summon from extra d...
With that huge right hand I thought it was supposed to be a one-hand games player.
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