
Are the Djinn monsters bugged

I have two Djinn monsters in my deck for a Lvl 7 Ritual monster. Both of them are supposed to allow me to banish them from my graveyard as part of the Tribute, like Sphere Kuriboh. However, every time I have them in my graveyard and try to perform the Ritual summon, it never seems to to allow this. In a recent game it made me use two monsters that I had from my hand and field and the Djinn monster wasn't even an option, and it's not like I didn't have a space to summon the Ritual monster to.

Both monsters are pretty worthless to me as anything other than Tribute fodder (and I often send them to the graveyard with Wonder Balloons). If they can't be used like this, or only under very specif circumstances, I might as well take them out of my deck.

Does anyone know if this is a bug? Or is it working as intended?


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I'm having the same bug where it won't let me banish these from the graveyard for ritual summons, and no, there weren't any other effects in play that would prevent their normal use.
In order to use them in the graveyard I always had to send them to the graveyard from.the field.
It is important to know that when Ritual Summonning, you are not allowed to select more Monsters after you already reached the minimum amount of total Levels. So when summoning Northwemko with her Ritual Spell, you cannot select Dark Magician and a Djinn, because Dark Magician alone already reaches Level 7.

Also, when these kind of cards are destroyed by monsters with Effects like Element Saurus, which negates the Effects of Monsters it destroys by battle, then you can no longer use them from your Graveyard as they are being negated by Element Saurus. I believe this negation remains even after Element Saurus is removed from the field.

There can be many reasons for why you can no longer perform a certain action, but the above two are the most commonly forgotten facts, so I hope this at least helped a bit.
I'll go ahead and add some information that was requested. I am trying to summon Divine Grace-Northwemko using the Ritual of Grace spell card (her corresponding Spell card).

When using the spell, I have Djinn Disserere of Rituals (Level 1) and/or Djinn Prognosticator of Rituals (Level 3) in my graveyard. Both cards say they can be removed from play in the Graveyard as monsters used for a Ritual Summon. They also both grant special buffs (Immunity to traps and card drawing when you inflict damage respectively).

Here are links to the cards.

Thus far, in my experience, when you use a Ritual Summon the game forces you to use the most efficient method to perform the summon. For example, it forced me to use a Dark Magician in my hand and didn't even offer using a level 4 monster that was on my field (though, I would have had to use the Dark Magician to have the necessary level). This seems to mean that even if you have the Djinn monsters in your graveyard, it won't offer to allow you to use them unless you don't have enough tribute fodder on your field/hand. Which really hampers their use. You can really only use them if you're losing the game.

So the only conclusion I can come to is that the game design effectively makes Djinn monsters useless unless you are losing the Duel.
Same for me. Is it a bug?
Can you post a screenshot of when this happens? Which monster are you trying to ritual summon and with what ritual spell?

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Why would you give it to d d and not the chazz
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