I think the better questions to ask are, "Just why is it that you don't want him, and why are you being so dang hostile to anyone who doesn't share your views?" Not that I expect a rational answer, though.
Agreed, seems like a visceral dislike of some sort 8U Pitiful, hope it doesn't hint at any real-life issues~ some people are so trigger-happy at neutral comments for some reason lol
Yeah, when someone can't be genuinely positive about something in a post and only gets off on trolling others, then I honestly think that they might be miserable IRL. It is really sad.
Well excuse me princess... I want him for the exact reason of your jealousy :) because he's just so hot and no you'wrong since he dueled from the first episode of season 2 in his own mind games :) are you telling me that the sexiest yugioh villain shouldn't be unlocked !
You know why I hate Marik? Actually I don't. It's just really fun that you have such a terrible aesthetic inclination, and seeing you spreading your 🔥 in this site like malaria, amoeba, etc. puts me up in a pedestal where I can only decide if I should just laugh heartily for hours, or ignore your whims for eternity. The second one is hard though, thank my di-ck you still get attention from me.
Why you keep spreading your 🔥 🔥
Hope you die soon from laughter
I can smell your butt is burning she doesn't even
Answer your rudness
You know why? Cause you are nothing
So lets play the 🔥 game :) you go first
Also, so satisfying seeing random's try to put down a random girl's reputation who's only always civil in these parts XD Someone struck a chord with you guys? It's just a character, jeesh. Likewise, pretty disproportionate and visceral dislike with little to no explanation, but yeah keep pretending a little 'moron' comment is the end of the world and the definition of one's character! :B Cucks.
What? Explain, I don't understand what you're trying to relay. You're just making statements as questions and it's so ambiguous that I'd prefer you get more specific. What bullying comments? Me? Huh? What? Eh??
No I didn't mean you post anything rude ... I just asked what do you think of haters and rude comments
Marik is only an anime character as you said and there is no need to bully a fan because of this :(