
Power of the Guardians

solid meta
thanks konami, one of the best cards is 100% f2p and it will never be limited because it's not being used in most of decks and it's very susceptible to backrow removal. forever king of games for free
solid meta
All you need is create new account every month like me
I keep thinking for free
It's been kog material since it was released
no need to limit it..
a great card
<< Anonymous
i keep running into it with aromage. one guy even tried equipping two of them. i just disable the effect so it's no problem lol.
<< Anonymous
i should note this was while climbing in kc cup so it's probably just low ranked players doing it
told you there was no need to limit it
far from best f2p cards.
In ur dream bro. Top players can pop any of your card using Ballista Squad or Raigeki Break. They also bring Cosmic Cyclone. Also Canadia, Floodgate and Molehu flips your monster face down.
<< Anonymous
Yes, this card has many counters nowadays.

But what about back then, when this card was still new? Not many people counter this card back then.

Btw floodgate technically isn't a counter to this card, since it responds to the summon of a monster, long before this card gets equipped and hits the field.
<< Anonymous
Cosmic Cyclone and Canadia were released before Power of the Guardians. Back then basically any spell removal, flipping face-down or banishing card like spell books can deal with it.
<< Anonymous
None of those are N or R cards.

Konami basically introduced an easy to obtain N spell that can only be countered with expensive UR/SR.
<< Anonymous
easy to obtain an d garbage
"In ur dream bro. Top players can pop any of your card using Ballista Squad or Raigeki Break."you mean broken card user tras h.yeah true in that way.
<< Anonymous
Most players at least have some back-row removals in Yugioh, also the equipped monster can still be returned to hand/banished. This card is good for being easily obtainable but you won't see it much in meta plays. This card is not versatile comparing to another R card World Legacy Clash, which has been limited 2 already.
<< Anonymous
The backrow removals you are referring to are either SR, UR, or very recent and deck specific.

PotG is N, not recent, and very generic.
<< Anonymous
PotG was a good card before 2 years. Now, in this banishing format, is just bad. However, it is still considered a stable in bronze-silver-gold ranks where the word "backrow removal" is unknown.
<< Anonymous
The Karma Cut mania is annoying but there is a solution, which is equipping it on monsters with immunities, protections against the most common 🔥 cards.
<< Anonymous
"The Karma Cut mania is annoying but there is a solution, which is equipping it on monsters with immunities, protections against the most common
<< Anonymous
"which is equipping it on monsters with immunities, protections against the most common ..."
then they will pop it with cosmic.most played card in ladder.dont bother with this car d .i first thought its s u pe r good then i realised its not.its ba d .bric ks .and doesnt me an anythi n g.maybe in bronze.
<< Anonymous
It's good in 1 deck, and thats RESD deck. However I only use that deck for auto duels makes auto dueling a breeze.
Super Awesome
Still unlimited
<< Anonymous(Super Awesome)
Still overhyped
<< Anonymous
They aren’t perfect God hands always drawing all they have of both the traps that remove monsters and muh “CC”. They tend to start with one backrow removal and two traps. If your monster is immune to the traps and you also have backrow then if they use their backrow removal on this card they’re gonna eat your own backrow, while theirs remains useless as in the case of playing only immune mons.


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