Seriously, This Event it the worst Nightmare for New Player. After my friends join this game(During Paradox Brother Event) hes quit. He said Duel Links doesn't seem Friendly Game. Since it force us to "Spend" our money to buy brand new pack for every New Event.This is the one reason why our rating game drop, The problem happen during the Event progress give us such a bad reputation for people "WHO" want to play Duel Links.
Sorry to said out Loud but i agreed with him.. We need a friendly event which New and Old Player can enjoy game together not like this.
Events will occur again every few months. You don't have to collect eevrything. If he just started that even is just bonus for him, to take how much he can. 50 gems and 1 lame card? Nvm he's 50 gems and 1 card closer to his goal. You two should focus on buying packs and farming (there're tutorials which packs are best to buy and for each deck).
Yeah not really beginner friendly for events. But the qn is:" do u really need to be so competitive in game? " When one just join the game, you cant expect to play like a veteran. Its totally normal. Collect the cards and eventually you will reap your sows from the harvest.
Took me 6 months and I have barely spent anything on this game, just push and progress man. You get lots of Gems when getting all your duelist to level 30.
Y guarantee? Nothing in life is guaranteed. As long can hit high winning percentage, its good enough. If you can't do that, you are not thinking. This game is more fun if you actually use your head more, its not a dumb mmmorpg.