
Scud (DSOD)

Does Scud and all the other people like Kaiba's bodyguard who Aigami banished come back from being banished at the end in DSOD? I don't remember... But it would be kind of dark if they stayed gone.
As dark as the realization that bandit Keith, Bonz and others died in the anime and Yami sees the ghosts of all the people he killed when he looks for Yugi's ghost.
<< Anonymous
Hmm I remember people died in GX too. Like the big hat-wearing guy Crowler hired to scare Jaden. And in the manga, Bakura actually kills Pegasus to steal his Millenium Eye.
It's kinda implied in the game that they were sent to Duel Links world.
<< Anonymous
So, is this discussion here based on official information or just some weird fan theory?
I actually believe Scud and his friends are dead. Joey was also sucked in and almost died when he was erased in that dimension had Atem not intervened. Since Scud and the gang were missing for a long time I am certain they vanished permanently once the dimension swallowed them. That is just my theory.
<< Anonymous(Eduardo)
I hope you are right.
<< Anonymous
...I hope you are right.
Yeah, you are so right man
Insert creepy music .mp3 - poor guys, as filler characters, no one cared about them
<< Anonymous
Takahashi said that Bonz is alive, he just forgot about him, lol. So, i guess Scud is alive too.


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