Use Shimochi for an automatic victory against everyone who runs this skill. People use it because it's new and fun. However, there are many counters to it. Shimochi = instant win, 4 Star Ladybug, OTC, Mirror Wall, Relinquished, Tea Burn, Statue Control, Kaibaman. All these decks can deal with this.
I still believe that Harpies and Relinquished are way more broken in the current meta.
Harpies: If you don't get rid of the field spell within the 2 first turns you are in a huge disadvantage and eventually you will run out of resources and you lose.
Relinquished: If you don't draw Skull Lair or Possessed Dark Soul in your starting hand, it's game over most of the times.
I agree that Simochi is a dead card against any other deck, but so is Skull Lair in a non banish deck. Dark Soul is somewhat more useful because it can steal sonic ducks, Venus with its shiny balls (if it doesn't get OTC), clowns, jerry, relinq and gk recruiters.
We need to give it some time and see if it overwhelms the meta just like Harpies and Relinquished, then we should run at least 1 Shimochi
Burn Decks:
Tea Burn - Must Go first and HOPE they dont draw berries
Parasite - Hello Barrel Dragon, CV, Double Summons, etc. You have to be very lucky
No Skull lair has a lot of functionality. Kills any monster with right numbers in GY. Best against relinq/ Venus decks. Can also be used as storm fodder at the right moments. BRtoS is just a dead draw