This deck, in my opinion, is a play for fun but not worthy. I won against this deck with darklord, fortune Lady, vendread and sometimes even fur hire. This deck has no defense and too long to combo. You can't win just by using apelio.
If played right it can beat any deck that has no defense against returning creatures to hand s. And they quick effect is a powerful defense not to mention immunity to cards while attacking
Most likely the ppl you fought just summoned apelio and just tried attacking. The power of this requires fusing and de-fusing to use the right creature for the situation
I've only lost to Darklords once with this deck. Quintet Magician is a problem if they get it out before I get a Pettlefin. I run Lava Golem, which helps against Invoked Cocytus and those who like to abuse Power of the Guardians. Just tribute their monster.