
Mysterious Tower event: Different Dimensional Tower

At floor 11 it tell me that i cant battle this monster yet. What i should do to be able to battle it ?
That's 🔥 af
Have you defeated the Combustible Boss yet, and are you using a deck that can be used for dueling? I haven't had this scenario, so I can't offer much without knowing more about your situation.
<< Anonymous(Anonyboy)
Isn't it obvious? Don't give us advices, you are Konami's dog, a slave moreso. Just 🔥.
<< Anonymous
Whatever, I do not regard gayness or being slave as a con as long as I can assess it with my own personal discretion. I can say I'm gay, I might really be gay, so what? I think what I'm saying might not get through to you, so it's your problem then.
<< Anonymous(Anonyboy)
You ARE 🔥 then. Period.
<< Anonymous(Anonyboy)
(The above Anonyboy is not the original Anonyboy, but I would like to thank them for [from what I could tell, unless I'm misreading.] being on my side. I am hereby not responding to any comments which do not contribute in someway to the convesation. You can tell me I'm wrong, and tell me why I am, and I'll argue the point or agree, but it's not worth my effort to respond to simple 🔥s.)
<< Anonymous(Anonyboy)
Blah Blah Blah..that's so archaic. Making confessions, then make claims afterwards that "this X is not the real X', like dude a lot of users have done that already, and they aren't convincing anyone. You are just 🔥 that you are being pressed as gay, hence you have to resort defending yourself needlessly. LOL
<< Anonymous(Anonyboy)
The truth is, I really love you, anonyboy. I have been stalking you ever since and I'm deeply infatuated to you. I'm being hard and mean at you because I want you to notice me. I hope that helps you understand me better :)
<< Anonymous(Anony-hater)
Anon above me, nice try. lol
<< Anonymous(Anonyboy)
Yes im using the same deck i defeated the previous monsters with
<< Anonymous(george1234)
I've never had this problem, as I've said... could you give me any more information? I'm currently on floor 22 and it hasn't had me stop to take a break, or anything like that. Maybe take more screenshots of the scenario.
<< Anonymous(Anonyboy)
there is nothing to take screenshots of. I have 400LO, all previous missions "cleared" and almost all complete too and it suddenly this showed up without any reason :( do you know to report it to Konami ?
<< Anonymous(george1234)
<< Anonymous(george1234)
hi, i hope you know that there are 2 opponents from 11 on. i got the message when i wanted to fight the 2nd without clearing the 1st.
<< Anonymous(akubane)
oh thanks, i hadnt noticed that ^^:
<< Anonymous(george1234)
Anonyboy is gay???
Just click on the skeleton guy and not the kangaroo.
Click the left side Alian monster first =)


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Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei has 1000 ATK and 3500 DEF. If you use this card, your monster'...
God rules over heaven Satan rules over hell Trump rules over Earth Trump is basically Jesus ...
Hey tying to get a vagabond to continue the story. 834-546-725
That is @@@ed up even for this site’s standards V
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