
The Legendary Exodia Incarnate | Deck and Rulings

This card will lose 1000 ATK on each of your end phase, but since it is unaffected by other card your opponent cannot destroy or banish it with card effect, which means it can only be destroyed by battle. I'll try this deck concept: 3x The Legendary Exodia Incarnate 3x Sangan 3x Winged Kuriboh 3x Unexpected Dai 3x Flute of The Summoning Kuriboh 3x Hallowed Life Barrier 2x Backup Soldier skill : Grandpa's Card The idea is to summon Incarnate and stall until you have enough Exodia pieces in your hand or to use Backup Soldier later to add them back to your hand. Unexpected Dai can special summon Exodia normal monster from your deck for Incarnate's tribute. Sangan can search for Exodia pieces including the Head (Legion or Blue Dragon Summoner cannot search the head since the head is an effect monster). Hallowed Life Barrier can discard Exodia card as well as protect your Incarnate from being destroyed by battle. Winged Kuriboh + Flute is for stalling and thinning the deck
Seems useless and hard to pull it out, this card only get 1000 in summon isnt it? Cz u can only summon one exo pieces each turn and then tribute it for this guy? And in the end phase this card atk bcame 0
Too bad there are so many players running backrow removal in current meta, otherwise we can use Spirit Barrier + Astral Barrier combo which makes Incarnate a perfect stall
<< Anonymous
No it doesnt it keeps the ATK dude... thats why it so good you can just keep exodia monsters in the grave to have it becoome a powerhouse until it gets destroyed by battle hallowed CAN keep exodia alive while you can possibly ditch another exodia piece to grave alot of ways you can make this deck viable.
I also wonder whether or not Power of the Guardians can protect this card from battle. Sure it won't gain attack from the equip since it's unaffected by card effect, but I think Power of Guardian's counter could still be used to prevent battle destruction
Its effect of adding Exodia piece from the graveyard to your hand is mandatory, which means its ATK will always be reduced by 1000 during each of your end phase (thus become 0 ATK if you don't have any Exodia in your graveyard). This card is not supposed to be a powerhouse, it is just for stalling and drawing engine for your Exodia deck
<< Anonymous
Why not add needlebug nest instead of grass looks greener?


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I have a quest for salamangreat heatleo and i dont own it. KONAMI FIX YOUR GAME!
After activating its effects, use the monsters as Link Material to summon Gaia Saber, the Lightni...
Lol, her dialogue isn’t the beat. Your losing scene sounds dumb.
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