Been playing in ranked vs people who use it. I really laugh when I am attacking open field, see the lag, think it will be a kiteroid or relikuriboh, just to realise after the game they had a brick crow in hand.
I said it is bricky. I believe it is bricky. I meant my words. We just need to wait until we get allure of darkness (hopefully never) or at least icarus attack. Until then gl having it in youur deck when you face bw, dm, cydra etc. It will be less usefull than skull servant.
Also let look
Dark Magician 's stormy point is not backrow for sure, every game Navigation + circle turn end lol
Karakuri doesnt rely on backrow either, every game 3 cards set + 2 synchros.
Blackwings (ur favorite deck I guess cauz no backrow) doesnt use backrow cauz it summons 10 times a turn. it loses every time it plays First or gets interrupted. So now they play backrow XD what u gonna do