"bRaIndEd dEcK, yOu dOn'T neEd SkIlL tO pLaY iT"
Open your eyes no deck needs brain to be played all of them are just the same process again and again, tapping/clicking YES lots of times doesn't make a deck a bIG bRaIn deck
Stop whining.
You need skill to press on the purchase button.
Most lowly F2P are told to buy cards to win. Yet they are surprised when they lose to more expensive deck.
This proves owning well made decks like these requires skill.
And...When it becomes Karma/providence instead of Pot of Greed
S/T removal exists,
Most meta decks like Harpies, Resonator can still makes their plays and dodge from a single distruption.
If it's two distruption BE will lose 4 cards in card advantages. Leaving no cards on their hand and vulnerable with 0 atk Sage with eyes Blue for an easy otk
But then they draw 4 blue eyes monsters in their hand. How can I counter consonance when they have 4 BE in their hand and summon 3 BE monsters on the field for free?
As their opponent, 3 BE on the field is better than no BE but a single backrow IMO.
That mean we can unleashed the combo without any problem, and possibly removing all that BE.