Can someone explain to me the main strategy of spellbooks and other good cards to help the deck?I have 3 blue boy and 2 secrets and I really want to learn the deck
I *think* its strategy is ditching as many spellbooks (with different names) as possible into the GY, then take advantage of its more powerful effects. For example, Reaper's 5 book effect lets it summon a 5*+ dark spellcaster from deck, which means it can summon another Reaper, and again, filling your field. The Fool can ditch books into the GY, and special summon Reaper from deck... at End Phase.
Spellbook of Power gives you a hefty +1000 ATK and can be used to search itself, to give you another go next turn. Blizzard Princess (not really a spellbook card) can prevent your opponent from using S/T for a turn. It has... pieces for a good deck, but somehow it seems kind of too slow to compete with other OTK deck? I'd just make it into a beatdown deck with some searching on the side.
The idea is to deck thin and recycle cards. I like to go spell book of secrets, master, fate, power and eternity. Then with magician on board and summoning my blizzard princess to shut down back row, I banish my opponents monster with fate and hit with princess for game. That's my most common otk play.
have to know what to activate and the order otherwise you screw yourself with misplays
Crescent library is a good card to draw first thing if you do not have secrets in your hand and a good card to pitch for fool. Fool needs 5 with different names. Do not run Heliosphere it will just clog your deck.
The strategy, as Aquablast said, is to rapidly activate Spellbook cards to dump them in the grave. But I'd like to make a quick correction. While Reaper, Destroyer, and Wheel may look appealing for their fancy effects, you really don't want to focus on them too much. Instead, your key card will be Fate, as it gives you tremendous control over the field.
Example Turn 1 (assuming you go first):
Summon Magician, search Secrets. Secrets into Master. Master into Secrets into Fate. Set Fate. If possible, activate another spell. If not, during your opponent's turn you can set their monsters face down or your own Magician face down (for another search) using Fate.
If you go second, that's even better. Ideal turn looks like:
Summon Magician, search Secrets. Secrets into either Master, Fate, or Power (whichever you don't have). Power on Magician. Master on Power on Magician again. Set Fate. Attack for double search if successful. If failed, you still have Fate and presumably another 2 cards in hand.