
Destiny Draw (Skill)

Remove this 🔥 completely from the game. I was on a winning strike my Kog rank up match up. Opponent was losing the game and had only a Kiteroid in his hand. I couldn't finish him off in one turn. On the next turn, he chooses a 1 card combo that completely changes the situation on the table and I lose. After that I went down to legend 1 (bad draws and etc)
What a сunt.
"1 card combo"? huh... I imagined they just fetched Levianeer with that stupid Skill, and killed with the rest Thunder Dragons.

I'd say banned Destiny Draw, banned Levianeer, and hard limit-2 the Thunder Dragons! xD
<< Anonymous
Mukoba Kiaba
Limit Thunder Dragons?
But it's not my fault :,(
<< Anonymous(Mukoba Kiaba)
It is, you and that levianeer bs
<< Anonymous
Marvel-Disney fan
I agree. Too much players keep using Thunder Dragon cards they already own instead of purchasing brand new cards from the latest boxes.

Konami should teach them a good lesson by banning cards they already own.
<< Anonymous(Marvel-Disney fan)
Yup why every other deck has to keep updating themselves with new cards but TD doesn't? About time for a major nerf that makes the deck close to unplayable without new cards
<< Anonymous(Marvel-Disney fan)
So, you are ok with being smashed by a stick as long as your neighbour gets smashed 2 times harder than you?

Why are players of DL so stupid?
<< Anonymous
You play dl too so...........are you stupid too?
<< Anonymous
You can only complain if you are not using a skill in ranked at all.

We have all kinds of broken skills everywhere from Resonator Call, Onomatoplay, Cyber Style, Dragon Knight's Path, Shark Territory, Flight Control, Shooting Star Road... Every single fkin broken skills can win a duel easily. If you can use all these broken skill then why can't your opponent use Destiny Draw?
<< Anonymous
two wrongs don't make a right.
just nerf all the broken skills you mentioned to the point that unga bunga vanilla decks can be competitive.
<< Anonymous
Good, nerf then all to be fair. People should only use LP boost/Draw Sense.
<< Anonymous
Nerfing skills alone won't make Vanilla Decks good.
<< Anonymous(MangakaJ96)
true, because alone is slow. You need cepete to make it fast.
<< Anonymous(MangakaJ96)
That doesn't matter. Nerf them first, talk later.


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Sounds as legit as the shady @@@ dealer I see sometimes after nightfall in the park V
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