Instead of doing "Serious" Chazz again, what we need is roaming event for the lovely Aster! We need more d-hero and vision hero cards and support! After Zane, it is time to try to make this a reality by surveying, so please help me, everyone!
Thanks! One is all I have of this card anyway. I don't even remember getting it. The deck is kind of hard to make. I don't even have red eyes zombie dragon.
Yeah, that is true! Atticus deck, lol. I hope it happens! But beatdown is a good skill to use with this deck. I am just worried that they might nerf it because I've noticed that some people are complaining about it now. But that reminds me, why don't you use beatdown with Seto?
In fact i changed my game to Japanese(because Zane is about to get his unlock event^^)and i like Crowler's Japanese voice,haha it's really cool!
Out of the subject,i like how Aster/Edo say:(monstar effecto..
You are so lucky! Since I can only play this on the PC version, I don't have access to the Japanese voices. I used to play duel links on my phone, but it started to give me disconnects a lot and I would also have to quit duels if the phone rang. Since I switched, I have not had a single disconnect, but now I don't get to hear Edo's magnificent Japanese voice either...
It's not really problem for me.
I mean,if you got a call from someone,You can close it like me(if i playing a ranked duel).
The game that you can play it for PC and your phone,it's better to play it in the phone IMO.
Not just Aster,all characters Japanese voices is better,but maybe Aster Japanese voice is is the better Japanese voice for you.^^
I like Kaiser Japanese voice (SO) much.^^
For the most part, I think that most of the dubbed voices are ok. But some really annoy me (especially Espa). The Japanese are overall better, though, I think. Zane and Aster are okay in english (especially Zane), but Ryo, Edo, and Judai are SO cool in Japanese. I ran into someone in pvp yesterday who had the name Hell Kaiser. Not even kidding.
You understand this well. Some of them truly put an effort into it, but others are just ordered to sound tacky. The lp cost paying (cosmic cyclone, mirror wall, etc.) and duel loss screams sounded embarrassing for them to record. My favorite english voice is probably Kaiba, but I like Zane as well.
Yeah! That's why you're always right.^^
By the way, do want to duel again tomorrow?
I always try to duel you at the time you like it(not the time i like it),So if you want, we can duel tomorrow at 12:00 A.M?(Washington time),I don't think you doing something at this time right?
I really want to duel your REBD deck again,the last duel was not fun at all (OTK),Haha.
So,what is your opinion?
Funny. I duel people who are registered as from Brazil in ranked all the time. However, care to explain what you have against me specifically? Because just like anyone else in tjis world, I can't help where I was born.