
PvP Best Decks & Tier List [Mar 15]

dont invest money on this game, the players is high droping since 2018 and this game in 2020 is basically dead probably the server will be closed soon
yep don't do it, it is obvious than DL is past its prime and past half of its life. DL communities stopped growing a while ago and even content creators are moving to some other game.

Remember how duel links was always on the top 5 of revenue? now it is not even top 50
<< Anonymous
SensorTower, one of the most trusted source about this, says otherwise.

Duel Links is STILL on the top 5 of revenue for card game app.
<< Anonymous
You said it "card game" only.
<< Anonymous
yeah dl has been around for a while and now it just doesn't surprises you or motivates you. I get the feeling it will stop updating some time soon.

and before someone said "we have still some worlds to see", the same happened with duel generation, li is were already up but konami just stopped updating at pendulums (I think) for no reason
<< Anonymous
what made duel generation close was duel links
<< Anonymous
Amd what makes you think Konami won't release another game that will make close duel links
<< Anonymous
Duel Links is still far more profitable than Duel Generation. Konami won't bother releasing a new game anytime soon.

And of course I brought up card game revenue. People always compare Duel Links with other card game app like Hearthstone, Vanguard Zero, or Shadowverse.

Nobody is that dumb to compare Duel Links with say, Pokemon Go. They're two very different genre.
<< Anonymous
hah that's exactly what duel generations players thought I know because I was one
<< Anonymous
The op (well the 2nd comment) was referring to the mobile game revenue in general not only cards. I remember people on reddit bragging (for some reason, as if it were their game lol) about it. though dl was not top 5 it was mostly at 7
<< Anonymous
Duel Generations dropped because its system wasn't exactly appealing. People have more fun with Duel Link's system, hence why it's much more successful than Duel Generations.


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