
Destiny End Dragoon | Decks and Ruling

One of the most Broken cards in yu gi oh ... Just like "Ancient Gear Chaos Giant" ... Please Konami do not release these broken cards in Duel links !!!
Aster lover
What if it was just one and they raised our lp? I just want one... Probably too bricky to have more.
Yeah if they think its OP whenever lvl40 Aster gets it just imagine the try hards in PvP with this 🔥 in their decks. It'll be a 🔥 ton of D-Hero decks then let alone them got damn damn near impossible masked hero ankis when they have 3 of them and 3 mask changes. They have this 🔥 with the ankis I'm deleting duel links
<< Anonymous
Lovely Aster
Invincible Aster Event: drop rewards- destiny end dragoon, dynatag, dystopia, misfortune, clock tower prison. Almost everyone quits duel links and the game is gone. He is just too powerful. lol
<< Anonymous(Lovely Aster)
keep dreaming
<< Anonymous(Lovely Aster)
Boy you're asking for too much at once
<< Anonymous(Lightning Dragon)
And also Crowler has an epic voice line for that JOIN US CHAOS ANCIENT GEAR GIANT!!!
Dude, everything can be added to this game. Even judgement dragon, as long as it's limited to 1
<< Anonymous
However, some cards can still be abusable even if it's just 1 copy.
<< Anonymous
Hmmm you reminded me of Woodland Sprite.
Broken what?? Without Destiny Fusion this card is nothing more than target for Cyber Stein meme deck
<< Anonymous
@JudgmentDragon anon
we got JD at 3 copies and it's doing nothing XD

But I don't think we'll get this card in DL anytime soon. At least not until they halved the Burn damage.
<< Anonymous(@JudgmentDragon anon)
And then there's still the problem with its last effect, it revives itself for a very cheap cost.
<< Anonymous
Oh please
We had fortune lady Every with an even generic revival requirement
Chaos Giant will never happen in DL, but I hope we'll get AG Howitzer and AG Fusion in DL.


Comments (updated every hour)

Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei has 1000 ATK and 3500 DEF. If you use this card, your monster'...
God rules over heaven Satan rules over hell Trump rules over Earth Trump is basically Jesus ...
Hey tying to get a vagabond to continue the story. 834-546-725
That is @@@ed up even for this site’s standards V
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