Atlantena Pikeman is a Lv2 with 1400 ATK
-Use him and Junk Synchron to Synchro Summon Junk Warrior
-When Junk SHyncron is SHyncor SUmmoned chain a card like Birthright & resurrect AtlanteaN Pickeman
-Junk Warrior's effect applies & now he has over 3300 ATK
Or you could chain Star Siphon and get a 4600 ATK Junk Warrior instead, with the potential for significantly more if you're using continuous ATK boosters like Mystic Plasma Zone.
Thats true, but Star Siphon turns Junk Warrior to Lvl1 so.. when Junk Warrior effect resolves, he gains his own attack being a lvl 2 or lower monster..