Once per turn effect negation bassically for free since witchcrafts recycle their spell card, plus attack and def boost is not something to laugh. Darklonds in their ends had a limited effect negation trap. ONLY 1! Still were tier 1 and were hit hard by the following banlist.
I am amazed how many yugioh players cant understand what majes a deck good. Free negations each turn, card recycling, easy summon boss monsters, searcers etc all are included in a witchcraft deck. Still people think this deck is bad or mediocre. Thankfully time will prove they were wrong. This deck is way too op.
Just 5 days after the release of the box witchcrafters are the 4th most used deck to reach KOG in dlmeta. Only 🔥 people and people who haven't faced it believe is bad. This deck screams for limitations in next banlist.
They're not going to limit the URs, so they might start with some of the spells.
Putting any of them to limit 3 would prevent the deck from running 3 CCs. Putting any of them to limit 2 would prevent them from running other staples like TTH, E-Con or Current.
Yeah spell traps works fine just like in 99% of other decks. In a meta where most decks run a few or even 0 traps and are completely based on their monsters effect to win. Witchcrafts can negate ALL monster effects on the oppenents side of the field plus is a trigger effect plus it is bassically free. Are you kidding me?