
Spellbook deck (Before 2018 Jan)

God this deck is such a bore to go against
<< Anonymous(F2P)
Awe more upsetti, get this child some spaghetti, since you know we are now 🔥ing each other by calling the other youthful... Truly a trait of a sylvan... i mean spellbook player.
<< Anonymous(F2P)
Stop replying to this troll. He cannot refute your argument so he now resorts to childish words. Stop feeding the troll.
<< Anonymous
Heh learn to read kid you have zero reading comprehension and I do my taxs with calculus
<< Anonymous
Yeah, what a loser. Guess I'll just leave this hapless fool to believe what he believes. Ignorance is bliss.
<< Anonymous(F2P)
Again, I dont think anyone can be this dumb. He is just trolling so might as well leave it. Enough.
<< Anonymous(F2P)
Do you play chess and pay your taxes by useing calculus? No? Didn't think so simple minded fool.
<< Anonymous
Pot this is Kettle, Pot this is kettle. turns out both parties 🔥ed eachother so dont bother trying to high road you rube.
<< Anonymous
Oh, I'm not taking the high road. It's not in my nature. I'm just calling out a troll.
<< Anonymous
If you don't play chess don't talk to me only the big IQ people are allowed to talk right now
<< Anonymous
Don't at me or my autopiloted grass is greener spell book deck again.
<< Anonymous
I play online chess while watching porn. Does that count?
<< Anonymous
I play online chess while watching porn. Does that count?
<< Anonymous
Sound good to me welcome to the club!
<< Anonymous
Can we all just agree that Spellbooks require more thought than most decks in the meta (your card order changes depends on if you're going first or second, you have to keep track of spellbook count in the GY as well as spellbook types in GY, need to keep track of which books you've used this turn, etc.), but they are boring to go against? This is coming from a 20 card SB user.
<< Anonymous
No chess requires more thought than most decks
<< Anonymous
No. Stop thinking you're intelligent when you're using it.
<< Anonymous
Sounds like you just described sylvans tbh, keep track of how many x you have excavated, using big tree to stack top deck in variable response to opponents set up, your play is variable to if youre first or second. i mean you are doing the same style of 🔥 just with more prompts on scree.
<< Anonymous
But but books are smart and trees are dumb
<< Anonymous
Haha well guess what BOOKS ARE MADE OUT OF TREES!!!!!
<< Anonymous
Every deck requires some form of intelligence to use
<< Anonymous
Trees 1, Books 0
<< Anonymous
Not really. Try using the deck and compare it to Sylvans. And when I say use, use it to win competitive games. Sylvans can win the game by just setting a card. I have even seen most players stupidly activate Marshmaleaf effect even if the only targetable monster is their own. Despite the misplay, they still win. Spellbook on the other hand cannot afford misplays, otherwise, they would lose badly.
<< Anonymous
It's more so that each deck requires a different thought process, rather than one deck requiring more thought than others.
<< Anonymous
Have you tried to play the deck itself? Because I have played both Sylvans and Spellbooks and I can tell you I don't need to think much when playing Sylvans. I hit KoG with it easily and was able to use it effectively from the onset. Not the same can be said for Spellbooks.
<< Anonymous
I am looking at this objectively as I do not hate any of these decks (I have both). Spellbooks is not as easy to pilot as Sylvans, and this is not a knock on Sylvans. Just saying it as it is.
<< Anonymous
I am looking at this objectively as I do not hate any of these decks (I have both). Spellbooks is not as easy to pilot as Sylvans, and this is not a knock on Sylvans. Just saying it as it is.
Because they takes too much time to play, and game can dragged up to 15min against them

Thats why OP said its bored to go against them

Why are you triggered?

Same as Storm deck in magic the gathering where the win condition is casting 20 spell then use single card name grapeshot to 🔥 opponent

If you are the one playing, you dont feel the time but others do feel its taking too much t
<< Anonymous(Clueless)
Clueless I had to make this comment just to give you a nice slow clap. Good comeback lol
<< Anonymous(Haha)
what was this good comeback? I see a lot of basic 🔥 🔥 much like the deck in question for this thread, basic and simple AF.
<< Anonymous
I agree it can be boring for opponent. What I dont agree with is people comparing it to Sylvans and CA in terms of difficulty to play. Please try to play the deck properly before jumping to conclusions.


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If it's pendulum effect had not been once per turn it would have 100% powercrept robbin zombie.
Yami Aster?
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