
Spellbook deck (Before 2018 Jan)

God this deck is such a bore to go against
Because it is a strong deck and you didn't win against it right? What deck you are against it and be fun? Blue eyes deck? Black magician deck? Gravekeeper? Or Elemental hero 1000 atk normal moster?
<< Anonymous
actually its a bore because it takes players like 5 minutes to get through one turn.
<< Anonymous
<< Anonymous
Yes it's a bore because ot makes players think. I just want to set and click yes! Or attack and activate Mask Change and attack and activate Mask Change again! Me no want stupid plays that require brain!
<< Anonymous(Clueless)
Yeah keeping others waiting requires a brain duh fact is its boring to wait and do nothing
<< Anonymous
Ya, because we brain dead bums don't realize the difference between just keeping others waiting as opposed to just making plays. Of course the opposing player needs to wait while turn player does the plays. Unless all you do is set card and pass, then click yes to all effects. Must be nice not having to use your brain
<< Anonymous(Clueless)
lol oh dear yes so much thought into, what synergy play can come from a series of spellbooks to buff a creature, dig out a quick play, and land 3+ books in the graveyard for that quickplay in order to maintain field control. not really that much thought just a wait on a series of 'choices'
<< Anonymous
So much thought? Compared to set a card and pass and click yes to all effects or just attack activate mask change and repeat, yes. I didn't think I needed to explain that, but u are obviously too brain dead to comprehend. I never said too much thought, but at least it requires some sort of a functioning brain to operate as opposed to other decks
<< Anonymous
If u think those are the only plays possible for a Spellbook deck, sorry to disappoint you. The 30 card variant is pretty diverse and explosive. Clueless pretty much said it. Other decks usually just repeat 2-3 play sequences over and over while Spellbooks have twice the sequence and can branch out into other explosive plays such as summoning Reaper and DMoC/Destroyer.
<< Anonymous(Clueless)
Yes, no such thing as "so much thought" in a card game but SB definitely is a step up compared to the other autopilot meta decks. I'd play chess if I wanted to think a lot, not yugioh.
<< Anonymous(Clueless)
I am surprised with that 200 IQ to play spell book you didn't even have the intelligence to not add additional words that weren't said. I said that the deck does not take so much thought as you imply its a pretty basic assed autopilot deck itself that runs on the synergy of all the spell books with no real variation to its functionality. The decks construction itself isnt even creative.
<< Anonymous
Then, tell me what deck other than spellbook in yugioh that need much thought and not a basic assed autopilot?

As the guy right above you said, spellbook is definitely a step-up COMPARED TO OTHER DECK. If you think that it is still too easy just play chess instead not yugioh.
<< Anonymous
Lol taking up time to chose what card from the same pack to play that are designed specifically to be used together is autopilot itself.
Spellbook has as much thought to play as Sylvans.
<< Anonymous
That's what an archetype means to be, to be used together in a deck. By your logic then every archetypal-based deck is basic assed autopilot. Also, using cards from diferrent packs doesn't make them less autopilot. It just gives konami more money.
Did you really just compare spellbook with sylvan? One is a deck that has lots of differen plays and possibility and one is a deck that only press YES.
<< Anonymous
Also, you still haven't mention what other decks require as much or more thought than spellbook in duel links
<< Anonymous
it is the more delayed press yes deck. yes spellbook's simplicity is comparable to sylvan. It isn't this complex deck its just a boring toss books in garbage control field with QP that the other books are used to dig out.
<< Anonymous
hell cyber angel players have more thought process to go through for proper deck execution than spell book.
<< Anonymous
To compare Spellbooks with Sylvans and CA. That is a testament to your intelligence or lack thereof, to be more exact. No use talking to these trolls. Maybe try to learn how to use your brain first then we can talk. I'm done here.
<< Anonymous
Cyber Angels have more thought process? Nothing is further from the truth. You clearly have zero understanding of how to play Spellbooks.
<< Anonymous
SB being compared to Sylvans. Hahahahahahaha! I hope for your sake that you are only trolling.
<< Anonymous
I refuse to believe that someone actually just compare spellbook with sylvan and CA. This has to be a troll.
<< Anonymous
"taking up time to chose what card from the same pack to play that are designed specifically to be used together is autopilot itself"

Autopilot has nothing to do with how easy the deck was put together, but in the way the deck is used or piloted. In Chess, all the pieces have only one standard arrangement and are exactly the same every game. Does that mean it's autopilot?
<< Anonymous
actually chess is autopilot, your top tier players already have their next 5 moves and variations planned out before doing anything. but they also dont play a basic deck like spell books which is just simplicity and press i agree AF
<< Anonymous(F2P)
It is a more secure sylvans, because how do you stop both sylvans and spell book from winning easy. Dark Law. they both are nothing if they cant utilize a graveyard. and grass is greener makes spellbook Sylvan 2.0
<< Anonymous
All you guys are dumb spellbooks play exactly like Dino decks
<< Anonymous
Chess is autopilot only during openings. Middle game and endgame would depend on the progress of the game. The average length of a chess game for pros is 40 moves which means it takes some time to end the game.It's like saying Judo is autopilot because the techniques taught to each one are the same. Geez, get your facts straight.
<< Anonymous
You sound upsetti that these things you equate to some type of mental giant feats are infact base af. grab some spaghetti for your upsetti butt.
<< Anonymous
All these people comparing Sylvans with Spellbooks are either dumb or just trolling. My guess is the latter because I dont think it is possible to be this dumb. Someone even said chess is autopilot which is a whole new level of stupidity. Dont feed the trolls
<< Anonymous
Mental giant feats? You have zero reading comprehension. It was never said that SB is as mentally taxing as calculus but compared to autopilot Sylvans and Masked heroes, it is a step up. Learn to read kid.
<< Anonymous
When I play chess I usually just slap the other guy in the face and throw his king across the room because that's the best strategy in the game I've never lost yet


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