
29th Mini Box: Arena of Sanctuary

I'm a new player and planning to build a karakuri deck, is it worth it?
It is worth it. Versatile deck, great monsters that can be put in other decks.
<< Anonymous
Thanks Im done with the mini box now, im pretty happy with two copies of Kunamzan, also got two cask in, two Karma cuts 1 lvl 1 Valkyrie and 2 of the Sigrun, overall opened 100 packs. Valkyrie seems to reach KOG too, but they need some tech from other deck. What should I build? Valkyrie of Karakuri?
<< Anonymous
Yw. These are very good cards. There are two more boxes that support Karakuri and one big box with cards directly supporting Valkyries. They are all good so I'd choose your favorite.
<< Anonymous
Well I like playing synchros so I guess ill get the Karakuri deck, im waiting for the SR dream tickets on the fourth day (my acoount is 2 days old) to get Bureido because its in a main box and I only need one copy, then maybe the other SR dream ticket goes for the hey trunade so I only need to open its box 1 time. This would give me 3 Extra deck monsters already, if I can reset the box for burei.
<< Anonymous
Synchros are very good in a Karakuri level, they provide varied levels and searching tuners fast. Bureido and especially Burei are monsters that can very well complement other decks so they're excellent investments. Trunade not so much as it's in a small box which is not good to use dream ticks on but if you really need it it's no problem.
<< Anonymous
Yeah you are right about the hey trunade. I only need to get 2x Burei and 1x Trunade now, I took 2x cosmic cyclone from the UR box so this is what Im planning to build.

2x Kunamzan
3x ninishi
3x Inashichi
1x nisamu
2x CC
2x trunade
2x Cash Cache
2x Cash Inn
1x anatomy
2x Karma cut

2x burei
1x bureido.

After this ill target 2x Forbidden lance and settle with that since i read that Xyz is coming.
<< Anonymous
Looks very good. Just put some synchro monsters that complement your extra deck and it will be perfect,
<< Anonymous
it's very good. best beginner deck

spend all your gems and money on that box.
<< Anonymous
Gems money aint fpr games lol. So far still working on the main box revolution beginning. Gotta finish all duel quiz and do stage levelups
<< Anonymous
Very good box, Burei and Balmung help synchro summoning very well.
No one plays Balmung. Burei is good but not generic, only suitable for Machine deck
<< Anonymous
The good old "no one" claiming to know an entire huge player base. Burei is not generic but still versatile as any deck that has machines can use it, doesn't need to be machines only.
Balmung is completely outclassed by Hastor in both ATK and effect
<< Anonymous
Cope. It has an effect, type and attribute that can be used in decks that prefer those to Hastorr's.
<< Anonymous
Update: So far all i've got in the main Box is ninishi lol. If i get Burei and 1 copy of inashichi i'll reset it.
<< Anonymous
It’s so hard because it’s a big box... a good one though.
<< Anonymous
Yeps, my account is only on its 3rd day though. Ill finish this Loaner decks and duel quiz today and hopefully get the deck with at least 3 of the core Extra deck monsters until tomorrow. Bureido is sure since i'm getting it via SR drea ticket. Dont want to go through a main box to get a single SR I want.
<< Anonymous
That's good planning about the duel school gems, but I'd like to say a fellow earth machine synchro that's excellent and named Samurai Destroyer resides in Bureido's box as R so it might be worth to get him at least.
<< Anonymous
I see thanks for the info. Samurai is an R but who knows, with that ill open the box where bureido is, if i get him first before samurai, that saves me a SR dream ticket. Thanks for the help.
<< Anonymous
Yvw. I got lucky with that box pulling Yellow Gadget early so it is possible. Good luck.
<< Anonymous
Yeah looking at it it also the box for the invoked engine, although im not planning to play any decks that use the engine for now, it make it not a bad box to open.
Bureido box is much better box than Burei box if you are not a Karakuri player
<< Anonymous
Well that's true but i really like to play karakuri lol.
<< Anonymous
By the way is it a bad idea to play gamma oil in the deck?
<< Anonymous
Update: already got Samurai destroyer but did not get beruido lol, kinda expected since rarity due to the rarity.
Hi, sorry I’m late because I’m an oversleeper. I wouldn’t use Gamma Oil because Karakuris don’t have protection against bs like Canadia so equip spells aren’t very good. I think the best support spell/trap Karakuri has is actually Karakuri Klock which is only in Bureido’s box so there’s also that if you don’t care for invokers.
<< Anonymous
Update: 115 packs remaining still no bureido lol, looks like im gonna have to stay using valkyrie since i still need Burei box 2x after i get my 1st Bureido. Valkyries ares surpricingly good so ill use them till I get my playset of karakuri.
<< Anonymous
Big box SRs are the most annoying cards to get, I understand.
<< Anonymous
85packs left, anyway got invoker and invocation already for future uses
<< Anonymous
Ill just enjoy valkyries while waiting for the karakuris


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