
Masked HERO: deck recipe [Nov 9]

Yami Aster
Reiji gets destroyed completely: #DuelReplay #DuelLinks
…Ehhhh???! Executive Temjin didn’t do anything to your winning plays? He could have negated any spell, trap or even the effect of a spell or trap during the turn you defeated him… what happened?
<< Anonymous(Princecurity)
Yami Aster
This is what I don't understand either, because I've seen this before where he does it once and doesn't do it again. Is it only allowed to be used on their turn or something?
<< Anonymous(Yami Aster)
How odd… the card text says it’s once per turn regardless… but my main account plays this game with text in English… I’ll have to check this card text my sub account that plays in full original Japanese when I can.
<< Anonymous(Yami Aster)
I did what I said I would and it’s as I had suspected. The original text says jibun turn… this isn’t an old card, so I wouldn’t expect the translators to mess up omitting this vital information.
<< Anonymous(Princecurity)
Yami Aster
Man, how lazy are they to not translate it properly? Now we know at least...
<< Anonymous(Yami Aster)
Yeah… that was sheer laziness. It’s very easy to see the part I mentioned. Glad to have helped.
<< Anonymous(Princecurity)
The english text says "once per YOUR turn"

The japanese text says "ichi turn ichido, jibun turn" (once per turn, during your turn)

So there's no mistranslation or anything omitted here.
<< Anonymous
Yami Aster
You yourself just said the Japanese text has "during" in it, so that is what's omitted in translation. Mind you, it's not as confusing as something like Hallowed Life Barrier before the real game changed the text, but still somewhat annoying if you get the first part of it stuck in your head. Other players have also brought this ruling up online before.
<< Anonymous(Yami Aster)
Yami Aster
*With the worst part being that this is a quick effect.
<< Anonymous(Yami Aster)
I'd argue that "Once per your turn" is the same than "once per turn, during your turn". I really don't see your problem.
<< Anonymous
Yami Aster
I guess I just think "during" is a better word for it. But whatever, I guess. It is what it is.
<< Anonymous
Exactly. "Once per your turn" is basically how the TCG shorten "once per turn, during your turn".

And it's Quick because they want it to be a Quick type effect, not because it can be used during either player's turn. There are also Quick effects that only work during opponent's turn. "Quick" isn't just shorthand for "during either player's turn", it's also a type of effect, like Trigger/Ignition.
<< Anonymous
Yami Aster
I think that's what confused me. I feel like I'm more used to seeing quick effects that work during the opponent's turn as well, so I assumed that's how they all were. Is it more common for them to work on both turns usually?
<< Anonymous
Using "once during your turn" makes it sounds like it can only be used only once, period, instead of once per turn.

And if it's "once per turn, during your turn", it would be a bit too long, hence why TCG's PSCT shorten it to "once per your turn".

Remember, they have to fit the effect into the textbox, hence all the shortening, to the point where even Graveyard gets shortened to GY now.
<< Anonymous
An actual error would be Incredible Ecclesia's text, in OCG the last effect is a "you can" / optional effect, but in TCG it sounds mandatory.

This is because effects have been getting so long, it starts to be unable to fit into the textbox in TCG.....

They really should consider enlarging the text box now, not just the art border.
<< Anonymous
Yami Aster
I see. That does make sense now. There really is quite a lot of text, so I can see why they'd use shorter words. Thank you for explaining all this!
<< Anonymous(Yami Aster)
To answer your question up there, yes, it's FAR more common for Quick effects to work on both turns.

So I can understand why people are too used with thinking anything with "Quick effect" text on it works on both turns.

In reality, pay attention - a few Quick effects states they work on opponent's turn only. Quick effects that works on your turn only, like High Genghis' effect, is very rare tho.
<< Anonymous
Wow… it’s true. I could have simply read the gd translated English card text properly. I’m a joke… I can read a Japanese card text, but I left a hole behind in the basics. I apologize for causing this mess.


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