I really like this game ...really
I also like the fact that konami runs alot of events and some rewards are really nice
...BUT...why konami why...do you guys obviously run lots of farming / grinding event and then you do anything to ruin the farming (bad spawn rate, bad drop rate, decks that are impossible to counter)...
and on top of that u troll us with NPCs playing super cool cards that we CAN NO obtain...
really spoils the fun of an actually great game :(
BTT: 1 Mai lvl40 in 4hours ...I lost cuz of Swift Birdman Joe returning my Dimension Gate
I agree with you. Everyone is complaining about the spawn rate and drop rate but Komoney keep releasing such kind of event. Gate duelist event is much much better than it. Every new duelist is challenging the methods of farming.
I dont mind difficult farming, its just not rewarding at all...
casual players or players that lose get same or better drops than ppl spending time to build counter decks or farming decks and score 8k for 8x gold chest.
Guys if you want gate event character instead appear event. Please write it in the Survey. If not they going to keep giving us Appear events. I highly suggest everyone does the same.